Quantum Theory is a functional game, but that's about the only thing that can be said about it. If this is what the developers at Tecmo-Koei think western gamers want out of a shooter then we need an intervention. Its uninspired level design, terrible ...
Abstract: Vi er godt ude i fremtiden, og Jorden er plaget af en stor krise, som truer hele menneskeheden. Som spiller er dette nok ikke det mest uventede og banebrydende scenarium, som start på en spiloplevelse. Denne gang er truslen en sygdom, som går under nav...
„Quantum Theory“ ist ein ständiges Auf und Ab, was die Qualität angeht. So sind die Gefechte ordentlich in Szene gesetzt und die Bossgegner sind groß und eindrucksvoll, aber dann gibt es wieder Sprungpassagen oder unendlich in die Länge gestreckte Kämp...
Abstract: Quantum Theory is one of Japan's many attempts to "appeal to the West" and you can't get more appealing to the typical North American consumer than a big, beefy, steroid-friendly cover shooter. Nobody ever really expected much of it, but it looked li...
von Christopher Link 'Quantum Theory' ist ein Plagiat wie es im Buche steht: Es übernimmt sehr viele Kernelemente der arg vergewaltigten Vorlage, kann aber dennoch zu keiner Zeit eigene Akzente setzen. Dies allein hätte eventuell noch für einen solid...
Abstract: The counterfeit market has always been hot on consumer goods. Anything from clothing, shoes, purses, jewelry, and even electronics. Successful franchises have a way of bringing the imposters out of the woodwork, and the videogame industry is apparentl...
Abstract: Call me Syd. Just Syd.Most of the time I try not to get dragged into comparing games to other games when typing up a review. Quantum Theory makes that nearly impossible when nearly every aspect of the game is copied from Epic's beloved Gears of War ser...