„Rage“ knallt unglaublich rein. Der aberwitzige Look, die fiesen, abwechslungsreichen Widersacher und die lustigen Bewohner ziehen Sie sofort in den Bann. Die Steuerung – auch die Ihres Wüstengefährts – geht flüssig von der Hand. Die Geräusche unterstreic...
Abstract: Gołym okiem widać, że dzisiejsza branża gier cierpi na niedostatek nowości. Coraz trudniej stworzyć coś oryginalnego, bo producenci wykorzystali już niemal wszystkie innowacyjne pomysły na gry. Tytułów nazywanych kultowymi jest obecnie tak wiele, że prośc...
That being said, there's no denying that the combat elements are right up our street, and this gives us great hope that the upcoming Doom 4 will be an absolute blinder. For now, Rage is id Software's venture in the realm of role-playing - and now we'd rat...
Abstract: Endlich ist es soweit: Das Shooter-Meisterwerk „RAGE“ von den id Software-Genrepionieren kommt auch in unseren Breiten in den Handel. Mit Spannung erwarten Gamer ein wahres Action-Feuerwerk – aber ist es wirklich ein Knaller oder doch ein Blindgänger? ...
Abstract: id Software popularized the first-person shooter genre with their breakout game Wolfenstein 3D back in 1992. Since then, id has spent the last two decades pushing the envelope and giving us one incredible game after another, including the Quake and Doo...
Despite some pop-in texture problems, and a frankly ludicrous requirement to install the full 22GB game on your console, this is a winner and a thoroughly enjoyable romp...
Rage proves a lot of what we already knew about id Software. The studio knows how to make great shooters and deliver incredible visuals and animations. With some of the elements we’re not as familiar with in id games like an emphasis on story, Rage isn...
Abstract: Those who grew up with these games will be intimately familiar with it but the company's name is still not widely known. Regardless, id has had such an indelible impact on the world of gaming, its influence is impossible to avoid. Since the early 90...