Définition de 4000 ppp, Neuf boutons programmables
Prix élevé
Le jeu sur PC développe un véritable marché parallèle, pour les produits périphériques, comme les souris. Telle la Lachesis, de Razer, dont les formes arrondies et le design original ne lempêchent pas dêtre adaptée aussi bien aux droitiers quaux gau...
Five custom dpi settings, 32K of onboard memory stores custom settings, Nine customizable buttons
Click buttons oddly spaced, Expensive
Though its unnecessary for casual users, gamers and even digital artists looking for a mouse with customizable sensitivity settings and versatile controls should put the Lachesis at the top of their list. We love that it stores all your settings right...
If you are a serous gamer that likes high sensitivity gaming mice, the Razer Lachesis is the mouse for you. Razer achieves the high sensitivity settings without the use of software interpolation so all sensitivity settings are true. Non-gamers simply l...
Abstract: Nya möss från två av de stora tillverkarna. Den ena symmetrisk med glänsande teknik och massor av knappar. Den andra flirtar endast med högerhänta men är å andra sidan sprängfylld med kringprylar. Endast en charmar till sig ett toppbetyg. Logitech och ...
Bra sensor med hög precision och känslighet, 1000 Hz uppdateringsfrekvens, Genomtänkt konstruktion, Bra glid i teflonfötterna, Användbara funktioner, 9 knappar.
Rörig mjukvara, Det går inte att ställa in programmet att automatiskt byta tillbaka till profilen som användes innan ett spel startades, Grafiken som Razers kontrollpanel kan visa på skärmen kan ibland förstöra grafiken i spelet.
Razer har varit fyndiga med namnet på den här produkten. Lachesis är precis som Diamondback (en annan Razermus) en sorts huggorm, och ormar är Razers logotyp. Inom grekisk mytologi är Lachesis dessutom en av tre personifieringar av ödet, den som bestä...
Great sensitivity, No software interpolation used, Lots of buttons
Right side buttons hard to reach
There is no doubt that the Razer Lachesis is one of the best gaming mice ever. The 4000 dpi sensitivity is great for both general computer work and gaming making the Lachesis a well-rounded mouse capable of doing any computer task. ...
In all honesty, I’m disappointed with Razer and their latest mouse. It’s pretty much unusable on a soft mouse mat, and isn’t as comfortable as the previous Death Adder. There are several technical advancements, like the on-board memory...
Super smooth glide; macro and profile capabilities; ambidextrous shape; fast enough laser sensor; little or no lift-off distance.
Shape doesnt fit the hand nicely; side buttons get in the way.
If you want horsepower and a lot of buttons, then turn your attention to the Lachesis—it doesnt matter if youre a righty or lefty. Problem is, the design is its biggest drawback. ...
The best laser sensor on the market by far, Killer looks, Lots of buttons, Performance, Ambidextrous, Durability, Adjustable DPI in 125 DPI increments!, 4000 DPI max resolution, Balanced performance throughout its DPI range, Excellent drivers
Ergonomics (not the best mouse for low sensitivity gamers or people with large hands), Price!
The Lachesis sets the benchmark for all high sensitivity mice with its 4000 DPI sensor that can be adjusted in 125 DPI increments. The fact that the performance of the sensor scales so well makes it easy to adjust to because it performs equally well at...
Abstract: While it’s anyone’s guess as to how long Razer can continue its tradition of naming mice after deadly snakes before all that remains are worms and other, more humble creatures, there appears to be no end in sight for the stream of ideas flowing out of ...