La Roccat Tyon est une bonne souris, c'est un fait. Pratique, efficace, la Roccat a tout pour elle. Malheureusement, quelques gros défauts viennent ternir un peu ce tableau qui aurait pu être parfait. Quelques petites erreurs de conception ainsi que des c...
Roccat Tyon предлагает хорошую эргономику, высокую производительность, массу фирменных технологий и фишек. Располагает к себе и дизайн мышки. Даже если вы не полностью уверены в том, что вся эта масса дополнительных кнопок может вам пригодиться, по ходу и...
Abstract: 80-luvun scifivalot henkiin herättävä hiiri oksentaa värejä silmillesi kuin epilepsiatesteri ja saa jokaisen migreenitaipuvaisen katoamaan peiton alle. Jaksaako moista loistoa tuijotella illasta toiseen, etenkin kun vastassa on suomalaisittain tuttu pimeä...
Form og komfort, Belysning i bund, Xaxis knappen, Masser af knapper, Præcis og hurtig
Fremadknappens placering, Føles en smule let, Separat software skal installeres
Det er svært at sætte en finger på hvad der gør Roccat Tyon til en god gaming mus, men det er den uden tvivl. Det kan skyldes dens simplicitet, at den simpelthen virker efter hensigten hver gang og at den giver brugeren lidt flere valg og tilpasningsmuli...
All those extra buttons are actually easy to use, Overall performance is excellent, Extra buttons really enhance certain games and apps, Lighting looks great
Ergonomics is good but not the best, Software is slow and takes forever to apply settings, It is expensive
Good ergonomics, a nice design and bucket loads of useful features make this mouse a real contender. It is pricey, though, so it's worth having a think if you'll likely use all those extras. See also: Best monitors 2014...
Published: 2014-11-03, Author: Niko , review by:
Comfortable, Buttons, Sleeved cable, Lights, Very nice software
Price, – No weights
This is the coolest mouse I think I have ever seen! It took me awhile to get used to the buttons and the setup, but now that I have used it for awhile I love it.It makes gaming way easier with all the buttons available for quick access, the easy shift fun...
Abstract: For the past couple of weeks, I've been reviewing the Roccat Tyon gaming mouse. That meant putting aside Destiny for a while and getting back into League of Legends and Battlefield 4. I feel like I can play League of Legends with any mouse, and one wouldn...
Abstract: 1990년대 일반적인 PC용 마우스는 버튼 2개를 장착한 볼 마우스였다. 마우스 아래 고무 소재의 공을 넣어두고, 고무 공이 굴러갈 때마다 공과 접촉된 휠이 굴러가며 센서를 인식시키는 방식이었다. 그러나 20년이 지난 지금은 보통 레이저 센서를 장착하고 마우스 휠을 포함 최소 5개 이상의 버튼을 사용하고 있다. 특히 게임 플레이 중 많은 키를 사용하는 MMORPG나 순간적인 반응이 필요하기에 상황에 맞는 많은 버튼을 사용해야 하는 FPS 게이머들을 위한...
Labyrinthine software, More expensive than competitors, No special advantages over other mice
Although it's pricey, the Roccat Tyon is colorful, responsive and innovative. When it comes to the number of buttons on a mouse, less is generally more. A cluttered peripheral is arguably worse than one that's too conservative. The Roccat Tyon ...
Abstract: Roccat mice have regularly found themselves at, or at least very close to, the top of our must buy gaming rodents. A combination of outstanding design, a product range that isn't spread too thinly, and some excellent features and customisation have brough...