Abstract: Faut-il acheter le Samsung LE32B650 ou un des dérivés ? J’ai envie de dire que non. Le LED est beaucoup plus performant mais beaucoup plus cher. Si vous voulez rester en LCD, le W5500 de chez Sony fera largement l’affaire pour pas beaucoup plus...
Abstract: Gleiches gilt für die Auflösung - hier kommt es auf den richtigen und nicht auf den höheren Wert an. Im Bildtest punktet Samsung mit gutem Schwarz, feinen Details in dunklen Bereichen..
Abstract: Thinking of getting a Samsung flat panel TV? With so many on the market, its hard to choose just one. Learn whether or not the Samsung LN55B650 is right for you. Flat Panel TV OverviewRating Samsung’s LN55B650 55 inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD high definitio...
Abstract: Samsung LE32B650 är en 32-tums lcd-tv som testarna berömmer för det mesta, inkluderande hd-bilden och onlinefunktionen. Ljudet och betraktningsvinklarna kunde dock ha förbättrats.
connectivity options, Features that actually work, Passable audio performance for a flat panel display, Price (if you can find it)
Slight ghosting in some games, Game Mode trashes picture quality, Horrible viewing angles, Availability / price gouging from retailers
Samsung bills themselves as one of the most popular manufacturers of HDTVs with access to the best technologies available today. While their popularity is open to debate, I personally feel that the LN55B650 builds upon a lot of the lessons learned from...
Abstract: The Samsung LE32B650 is one of the latest in Samsung’s line up of the ‘standard backlit‘ 32″ LCD HDTVs in the series 6 650 range. Nowadays with all the fame and glory that the LED backlit screens are getting, you can’t help but notice that the most of ...