Whether or not I was having fun with Sea of Thieves boiled down to the people I was playing with. Though Sea of Thieves has an excellent foundation for something truly great down the road, it has some glaring issues with variety, progression, and rewards...
Whether or not I was having fun with Sea of Thieves boiled down to the people I was playing with. Though Sea of Thieves has an excellent foundation for something truly great down the road, it has some glaring issues with variety, progression, and rewards...
5SCOREOUT OF10PlunderGreat art styleSailing feels fantasticLaughs aplenty in co-opBlunderDangerously light on contentDevoid of meaningful progressionMyriad questionable design choicesYou own this Total 0You want this Total 0You had this Total 0Sea Of Thie...
Une approche originale de la piraterie, Coop très bien pensée, Ambiances saisissantes (décors, sensations, design sonore), Des combats parfois dantesques, parfois hilarants, avec d'autres joueurs
Investissement collectif et roleplay indispensable pour en profiter au maximum, Une communauté mal encadrée, Des missions trop répétitives, Interface et ergonomie honteuses, Pas assez d'options de customisation des parties, Pas d'enjeu si ce n'est l'achat
Cette note, plutôt surévaluée par rapport à l'état actuel du jeu, a valeur de note d'espoir. Dans l'absolu, Sea of Thieves a tout du jeu de pirate ultime, tant il donne à sa philosophie une forme et un sens, à base de sensations exceptionnelles et de méca...
Published: 2018-03-27, Author: Victor , review by: techtudo.com.br
Sistema eficiente de navegação, Jogar com os amigos é divertido, Visual caprichado, Liberdade no mundo aberto garante imersão, Trilha sonora com a cara da Rare
Experiência repetitiva, Inicialmente raso, com pouco conteúdo, Falta de incentivo para continuar jogando, Combate em terra é um problema
Sea of Thieves é, acima de tudo, um jogo diferente de tudo que já foi visto. Com um toque de arte único, ele consegue envolver pelo sistema de navegação e imersão ao explorar os sete mares, principalmente no modo cooperativo. Contudo, na condição atual, n...
Gorgeous and inviting world, Uniquely fun and low-key multiplayer space, Embodies universal pirate fantasy, Encourages teamwork, play, and adventure
Half-baked social controls, Buggy launch
Yes, if you are excited by the fantasy that the game presents, and especially if you have friends that are also willing to play with you, then Sea of Thieves is a rewarding and lovingly-made experience. People on the fence will likely want to wait several...
Published: 2018-03-27, Author: Peter , review by: gamespot.com
Beautifully rendered water and atmospheric conditions, Coordinating and goofing off with a crew can be intensely enjoyable, A promising start to a game with plenty of room to grow
Quests begin to feel repetitive far too fast, Strictly cosmetic upgrades can dull your motivation, Player base is largely toxic and has been infiltrated by hackers
Abstract: Den Schatz zu heben, war nicht einfach: Durch einen schweren Sturm ging die Reise zur Schatzinsel, wo bewaffnete Skelette und giftige Schlangen auf ihn warteten. An der mit X markierten Stelle musste er mühevoll den Schatz ausgraben. Doch auf dem Heimweg...