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Reviews of SilverStone Raven RV01 have collected 45 expert reviews of the SilverStone Raven RV01 and the average rating is 85%. Scroll down and see all reviews for SilverStone Raven RV01.
Award: Most Awarded April 2009
April 2009
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  Published: 2009-03-19, review by:

  • Iako ima i dosta nedostataka, ukupan dojam koji je SilverStone Raven RV01 ostavio na nas je veoma pozitivan. Jedinstven dizajn i inovativnost svakako su osobine koje za Raven osvajaju poene. Za pohvalu je i činjenica da je SilverStone sve otvore pokri...

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  Published: 2009-03-12, review by:

  • Very strong steel and plastic construction, Very sleek and unique case form, Incredible Stacked Effect Cooling system, Very well thought out interior design, More efficient air cooling design, The automated sliding front door
  • The automated grinding gear sound from the front door, Finger print removal is horrible, The hard drive area for running cables and closing the door is just ridiculous
  • The SilverStone RV01 Raven Case is one of the most over engineered case that we can think of and is really a marvel of a case to look at and is an industry first on several levels. For instance this is the first case that SilverStone has built using ...

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  Published: 2009-03-09, review by:

  • Jeg har arbejdet sammen med Silverstone i mange år som med en del andre producenter på området for kabinetter og det har sku altid været spændende at se hvad der nu blev fundet på af nyheder.Igennem det sidste års tid har der virkelig været pres på pum...

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  Published: 2009-03-03, review by:

  • O SilverStone Raven RV01 é um gabinete “full-tower” voltado para os entusiastas que querem um gabinete “full-tower” topo de linha de alta qualidade e que gostam do conceito da placa-mãe posicionada em um ângulo de 90⊦dm; em comparação aos gabinetes tra...

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  Published: 2009-02-28, review by:

  • SilverStone Raven RV01 is a full-tower case targeted to the enthusiast that wants a high-quality high-end full-tower case and liked the concept of the motherboard being 90º rotated. Here is a summary of what we found about this product.Strong PointsInn...

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  Published: 2009-02-25, review by:

  • Today, Xtreme CPU covered a lot of information on the Silverstone Raven RV01 case. With an innovative interior and exotic exterior, Silverstone has created a very impressive case that enthusiasts and gamers will drool over. It is one thing to see pic...

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  Published: 2009-02-23, review by:

  • Design, Finition, Architecture intéressante, Bonne ventilation, 12 v Silencieux, 5 v inaudible
  • Accès aux ports de la CM, Pas totalement Visless, 180 mm sous HDD, Câble Management perfectible, Prix
  • Que penser de ce RAVEN ? Pour notre part, nous avons tout simplement adoré, notamment son physique agressif. Silverstone a pris un gros risque, mais il livre un boitier avec une réelle personnalité qui sonne bien Gamer. De plus, malgré lutilisation de...

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  Published: 2009-02-19, review by:

  • Gedigen konstruktion, God kylning, Bra ljudnivå, Hotswap, Innovativ design
  • Plastig känsla på sina ställen, Ingen ESATA, Hotswap på endast en plats, Ej möjligt att använda DVItillVGAadapter, Endast trepinskontakter till fläktarna
  • Silverstone överraskar med Raven – både vad gäller val av byggmaterial och design. Raven liknar inget annat som vi sett från Silverstone eller andra tillverkare för den delen. Chassit är byggt kring en stomme av stål men det mesta som vi ser från ut...

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  Published: 2009-02-17, review by:

  • Abstract:  Silverstone has made headlines again with its all new and completely unique Silverstone Raven RV01. Taking some design ques from the Stealth Jets (the planes, not a sports team), the Raven has a style which has no equal, and coupled with Silverstone qu...

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  Published: 2009-02-12, review by:

  • Abstract:  Raven heißt das brandneue Gehäuse von Siverstone. Durch ein gedrehtes Mainboard soll der natürliche Kamin-Effekt verstärkt werden und somit sowohl die Kühlleistung als auch die Lautstärke optimiert werden. Wie das ganze aussieht zeigt unser kurzes Vide...

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