本文来自色影无忌一直以来体育摄影领域旗舰单反都占据主导地位,然而在今年似乎出现了一点点变化,索尼发布速度旗舰微单A9。A9凭借内置堆栈式CMOS,支持20张1.2L II USM尼康D5+AF 85mm f矩阵测光、自定义白平衡、焦距85mm、光圈fN相比不偏科无短板,未来重点应放在远摄镜头群建设和追焦性能改善上。...
In all, this remains the best camera I've ever laid my hands on. The a9's bombastic burst speed is a thrilling diversion that never fails to impress, but let's not let bells and whistles distract us from how well this thing does the basics.Image quality i...
Superszybki tryb seryjny bez zaciemnienia ekranu pomiędzy klatkami, Pojemny bufor, Gniazdo na karty pamięci obsługujące standard UHSII, Niezła celność autofokusa pojedynczego w świetle żarowym i 5500K, Rozbudowany tryb autofokusa śledzącego, Świetna celno
Prawdopodobna programowa manipulacja dynamiki tonalnej od ISO 800, Maksymalna szybkość zapisu zdjęć 12 kl/s przy nieskompresowanych RAWach, Maksymalna szybkość zapisu zdjęć 5 kl/s przy lampie błyskowej, Wyższy poziom szumu, niż u konkurentów, Ogranicz
Abstract: If you've ever wondered how a photographer managed to capture the exact moment of an incredible end zone reception or the instant a bird takes flight, the answer, in part, is that the photographer's camera also captured the garbage moments directly before...
Abstract: The Sony Alpha 9 is being called a game changer because it offers a lot of features which aren't available with professional, high speed DSLRs. It offers a unique AF and viewfinder system. ( Editor's Note: Lab Review lab tests and comments are supplied...
Abstract: If youve ever wondered how a photographer managed to capture the exact moment of an incredible end zone reception or the instant a bird takes flight, the answer, in part, is that the photographers camera also captured the garbage moments directly before...