Abstract: 바야흐로 익스트림 스포츠 전성 시대입니다. 규모 있는 공원에서는 어김 없이 자전거를 즐기는 사람들을 볼 수 있으며 그 가운데 60% 이상은 풀 장비를 갖춘 동호인들입니다. 11월로 접어들면서 바이크의 숫자가 크게 줄어들기는 했지만 4월부터 10월까지는 다양한 바이크를 타고 도로를 누비는 라이더들을 어느 곳에서든 쉽게 목격할 수 있습니다.이 외에도 산악 자전거, 트래킨, 스케이드 보드, 웨이크 보드 등 다양한 형태의 익스트림 스포츠를 즐기는 인구가 빠르게...
The Sony Action Cam Mini HDR-AZ1 is smaller and lighter than many competitors; it has excellent video quality with solid electronic image stabilization; the live-view remote lets you wirelessly preview, review and change settings, and has GPS; it has a sp
Recording at its highest bitrate requires a microSDXC card; changing settings requires a wireless connection to a mobile device or the remote; battery life can be brief; its curved lens isn't great for underwater use; Wi-Fi connection to the live-view rem
A leaner, lighter version of its top POV camera, the Sony Action Cam Mini HDR-AZ1 puts big performance in a little package....
The Sony Action Cam Mini HDR-AZ1 is smaller and lighter than many competitors; it has excellent video quality with solid electronic image stabilization; the live-view remote lets you wirelessly preview, review and change settings, and has GPS; it has a sp
Recording at its highest bitrate requires a microSDXC card, changing settings requires a wireless connection to a mobile device or the remote, battery life can be brief, its curved lens isn't great for underwater use, Wi-Fi connection to the live-view rem
A leaner, lighter version of its top POV camera, the Sony Action Cam Mini HDR-AZ1 puts big performance in a little package....
The Sony Action Cam Mini HDR-AZ1 is smaller and lighter than many competitors; it has excellent video quality with solid electronic image stabilization; the live-view remote lets you wirelessly preview, review and change settings, and has GPS; it has a sp
Recording at its highest bitrate requires a microSDXC card; changing settings requires a wireless connection to a mobile device or the remote; battery life can be brief; its curved lens isn't great for underwater use; Wi-Fi connection to the live-view rem
A leaner, lighter version of its top POV camera, the Sony Action Cam Mini HDR-AZ1 puts big performance in a little package....
Abstract: 소니코리아 (대표 사카이 켄지, www.sony.co.kr)가 2014년 10월 7일, 광화문 나인트리컨벤션 3층 그랜드 볼륨에서 기존 액션캠 대비 약 35% 가까이 콤팩트해진 사이즈에 다양한 부가기능을 갖춰 최고의 휴대성으로 간편하게 여행지에서의 추억을 생생하게 담을 수 있는 하이엔드 액션캠 미니 HDR-AZ1 을 발표했다.AZ1은 선풍적인 인기를 끌고 있는 하이엔드 액션캠 AS100V 의 미니 버전으로 기존 모델 대비 크기가 약 35% 가량 작아진 ...
Abstract: De Smart Cam Mini bedien je met een meegeleverde armband met Live View Remote: op een klein scherm zie je het beeld dat de camera vastlegt. Om locatiegegevens toe te voegen aan je filmpjes heeft de armband plaatsbepaling middels gps-techniek. Dat de gps-c...
Abstract: Sony has defied the laws of physics with its new all-action camera. There is so much tech crammed into a seemingly impossible size that it must be pixie magic or something. Of course, it isn't, but we have to say that on first impressions the Action Cam...