High-resolution, tilting display; 7fps continuous shooting; decent image quality at high ISOs; good value for money
Tiresome interface; clip-on flash; quality of 18-55mm kit lens is only fair
Why pay more for the Sony NEX-5? The NEX-3 is identical in almost every respect, but this compact camera with interchangeable lenses is around £100 cheaper...
The NEX-3 provides DSLR level of quality with a point & shoot's ease of use. Unintuitive menus and weak battery issues aside, the NEX-3 one of the best prosumer cameras on the market. There comes a time once every couple of years when a company releas...
Abstract: The main difference between Sony's NEX-3 and the more expensive NEX-5 model we reviewed in June lies in the video recording system. Whereas the NEX-5 uses the AVCHD format and can record Dolby Digital soundtracks, the NEX-3 uses the less efficient MP4 ...
Aside from the tedious operating sequence with advanced features, there are only a few drawbacks to the NEX system. The flash unit is a bit weak (with a guide number of 7 in metres) and there's no built-in eye-level viewfinder. An optional optical view...
Abstract: Die Gehäuse der beiden Sony-Modelle unterscheiden sich deutlich: Die NEX-3 besitzt ein Gehäuse aus Polycarbonat und ist insgesamt breiter, vor allem auch im Bereich des Handgriffs. Durch das nach hinten pultförmig abgeschrägte Design wirkt die Kamera ...
Abstract: Sony, père de l'appareil photo numérique - ah, les Mavica - a attendu patiemment avant de se lancer dans le monde des compacts à optiques interchangeables. Jusqu'ici un peu assoupi, le géant nippon s'était réveillé, l'an dernier, en chamboulant le m...
Abstract: Тот рывок в мир беззеркальных цифровых фотокамер, который совершили в позапрошлом еще году Panasonic и Olympus , долгое время оставался, казалось, незамеченным конкурентами. Они продолжали делать свои «зеркалки» и «компакты» без акцента на промежуточное з...