Published: 2022-09-09, Author: Felipe , review by:
Abstract: A franquia Splatoon é muito mais reconhecida pelo seu divertido modo multiplayer online, que se trata de uma luta de tiros… de tinta. O objetivo é pintar ao máximo o cenário com a cor do seu time, enquanto a equipe adversária tenta fazer o mesmo. O game t...
Fun for kids and big kids alike,Superb soundtrack,Platforming at its best,Refined multiplayer,
Online still not where it needs to be,
While we need a little bit more time with its online, Splatoon 3 gives further proof as to why Nintendo holds the series in such high regard, featuring a fantastic single-player experience and refined multiplayer that will delight people of all ages. Reas...
Kreativ och underhållande singplayer, bra flyt i online-delen, massor av anpassningsalternativ, kortspelet Tableturf Battle rockar, ljuvlig musik, bättre användargränssnitt än föregångaren, suveränt grund-gameplay
Få nyheter i Turf War och Salmon Run, dåligt tekniskt flyt när du besöker staden
Splatoon 3's single-player campaign takes all the highs of Splatoon 2's creative Octo Expansion missions and places them in a satisfying hub world where freedom of choice lets you get as much as you want out of your playthrough — confident that you'll be...
Published: 2022-09-07, Author: Steve , review by:
Core paint-based zone mechanics still work incredibly well, Single-player campaign iterates with lots of types of stage challenges, New multiplayer maps feel great and take advantage of new traversal tool
Lack of enemy variety in story campaign feels samey
Published: 2022-09-07, Author: Chris , review by:
Abstract: I remember when I first previewed the original Splatoon at Nintendo headquarters many years ago, and it felt like it was the beginning of something special. How special? Well, a lot of people probably didn't predict that it would still be around seven yea...
Kreativ og underholdende enspillerdel, god teknisk flyt i online-delen, en rekke tilpasningsmuligheter, kortspillet Tableturf Battle byr på mye moro, solid musikk, bedre brukergrensesnitt
Få nyheter i Turf War og Salmon Run, dårlig teknisk flyt når man vandrer rundt i byområdet
Published: 2022-09-07, Author: Anthony , review by:
Pour conclure, Splatoon 3 offre encore une expérience signée Nintendo qui est unique en son genre. Le jeu est fluide et les couleurs sont toujours très vibrantes ce qui est encore plus en évidence sur la Switch OLED. Si vous aviez trouvé les aventures sol...