Abstract: It’s always a risky venture resurrecting a classic franchise. Sometimes it works and sometimes the risk simply doesn’t pay off. Syndicate falls somewhere in between.Based on the 1993 strategy game of the same name, Starbreeze Studios’ Syndicate is an a...
Die Starbreeze Studios haben das Erbgut für den perfekten Shooter-Klon gefunden: Man nehme fettes Gunplay, temporeiche Schusswechsel, sehr viel Gewalt und noch irgendwas mit Skills. Schon ist er fertig, der Tripple-A-Shooter von der EA-Stange. Das Teil ge...
Looks great, art style is top notch, boss battles, unusual shooting mechanics
Repetitive, story fairly uninteresting, A.I. is all over the place, multiplayer is limited
On paper a great game, succeeds in so many ways but just misses the mark when it comes to story and gameplay. A bit of refining though and who knows what could happen. ...
Abstract: If you're a fan of 1993's beloved strategy game , you might see the new series reboot as heresy. But if you've dismissed the new Syndicate because you think it sullies the franchise, you're doing yourself a disservice. That's because 2012's Syndicate i...
Abstract: You may remember the original Syndicate as an isometric real-time tactical game that came out in an age when sprites were the norm and loading a game through a DOS prompt wasn't all that dated. Well, forget what you know, because the new Syndicate is a...
Abstract: When 2K announced the new XCOM fans were up in arms. How dare they turn a classic PC strategy game into an FPS? However, just as the last trailer for that game made it look more like classic X-Com 2K pulled the surprise punch of Firaxis’ XCOM: Enemy Un...
Fantastic, nailbiting cooperative play, Aggressive AI keeps the pressure on, Online progression system gives you reasons to return, Smooth animations and great scifi atmosphere, Gunplay and hacking lead to thrills.
Hands-on-Test SyndicateDer als Shooter neu aufgelegte Klassiker Syndicate bietet im Einzelspieler-Teil schnörkellose Action und taktisch fordernde Gefechte. Obwohl wir nur die Konsolenoptik zu Gesicht bekamen, lässt das für das PC-Pendant, das immerhin n...