Tactile world, Gorgeous art style, Inventive, Joyous
Needless combat
Tearaway is a joy. Whether it was a riding a pig towards the sunset or playing basketball with a super-powered accordion, it never failed to make me smile. It sincerely believes that imagination really is the most important faculty, and in turn, succeeded...
Auf die bewusste Gefahr hin, mich der rührseligen Postkarten-Poesie schuldig zu machen: Danke, dass es dich gibt „Tearaway“! Wenn meine zarte Spieler-Seele mal wieder an kalter Wirtschaftslogik, antivisionärem Zielgruppenkalkül und ideenlosem Franchising...
Abstract: Tearaway is one of those games whose aesthetic is magnetic enough to trick you into spending a little time behind the controller. Media Molecule, the publisher behind Tearaway, has a lot of experience with this kind of ornamental game design. Since 2008...