The Munchables’ gameplay is certainly gratifying, and even empowering at times, yet it’s never enough to keep the core idea of eating things and growing bigger from becoming stale. 6.0/10Print this pageUser reviews (0)Share this pageNoticed so...
Abstract: A Better Choice for Children than Adults I like easy games, and The Munchables is a pleasant little thing, but ultimately a pleasant, easy game can only be entertaining for so long. I still like the idea of a game in which your lunch fights back, but ...
Easy controls, large amount of various enemies; vibrant colour palette
Game is too short, a bit too easy
Munchables is weirdly addictive, and I can’t decide whether it’s my morbid curiosity in these strange creatures or the cute virus infecting my brain. The dialogue and names are seemingly written by a 2nd grader, but that just adds to the game&...
Abstract: The Munchables is an undeniably cute action-platformer with a charming exterior, focusing on simplistic mechanics and a fun premise that encourages you to stuff your face full of piratical produce. Though many will find its brevity, shallowness, and lo...
Abstract: Like Klonoa or Zack and Wiki, The Munchables proves that “kid-friendly Wii game” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not worth your time. Fans of Katamari or just off-kilter action games take note: this game is surprisingly awesome.
Abstract: Talk about a pleasant surprise, I don't think I had even heard of this title, The Munchables, until it arrived at my doorstep last week. It's a Namco Bandai title for the Wii, priced at about $30, and it echoes a bit of Katamari Damacy zaniness combine...
Abstract: The Munchables is like gorging yourself on grotesque amounts of Cadbury eggs when they go on sale post-Easter: once you start playing you can't seem to stop no matter how guilty you feel. GamePro Score User Score Write your review! The Munchables is a ...
Abstract: With Nintendo’s long history of being labeled as the company of choice for providing “kiddy” games, it comes as no surprise that their current console, the Wii, is home to a slew of games that skew towards a younger audience. While it may be easy to fi...