Despite my initial concerns of a longer-than-usual development time and a budget launch price, I have to admit that The Warriors is a AAA title at a bargain price. It suffers only a few shortcomings from its transition to the PSP, but most of those are...
Abstract: The Warriors are:Cleon, the leader and foundation of the gang.Swan, second in command and lives off action.Cowboy, who is the voice of reason, and will go along with everyone else. Snow, follows any order.Ajax, the muscle of the group.Vermin, can put u...
Affordable and awesome action; new mode pays homage to Double Dragon; wont miss having a right stick.
Easy to get lost with too many gang-bangers onscreen; cant drop-in/out during multiplayer.
We, as gamers, are a bunch of complainers. We whine about the lack of original content on the PSP. We gripe about the lack of quality in movie-based games. Games are too darn expensive, we cry. Im going to lead by example by shutting my big yap, and T...