Tanta tensione, Graficamente davvero notevole, Belle atmosfere, Ritmi buoni
Quick Time Event a tempesta sul finale, Svolta paranormale gratuita e poco coerente
Concludendo Until Dawn è un buon teen horror game, che riesce per buona parte dell'avventura (10 ore circa) a mantenere vivo uno stato d'ansia e paura. Questo grazie anche ai bivi narrativi che il gioco propone. Tuttavia la discesa del tutto gratuita vers...
Published: 2015-09-01, Author: Fredrik , review by: psbloggen.se
Abstract: Avbryt mig om du har hört den här handlingen förut: åtta osnutna (och till en början odrägliga) ungdomar åker iväg till en ödsligt belägen stuga över en helg för att fira livet i alla dess former, men med den ack så originella vändningen att saker går sak...
Until Dawn is a great horror game on the PS4 which everyone should try. It has some downfalls, but are far and few between the great cast, storyline, music and in game mechanics...
Published: 2015-08-31, Author: Simon , review by: tweaktown.com
Abstract: It's fair to say that Heavy Rain was promoted by Sony as the next big thing in video games. A game that was hyped for most of the PS3 system life, which in the end turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. It was not a bad game per se, but it was not th...
Published: 2015-08-31, Author: Christoph , review by: game2gether.de
vielfältige Entscheidungen, konsequente Auswirkungen, trashige Story, klischeehafte Teenager, viele Spielverläufe und -enden, hoher Wiederspielwert
nervige Steuerung, Sprachausgabe mittelmäßig
Until Dawn ist ein herrlichen Trash-Horror-Erlebnis, das kaum ein Klischee auslässt und Fans des Genres absolut begeistert. Uns hat die Konsequenz begeistert, mit der man das Spiel bestreiten muss. Ist eine Entscheidung getroffen, muss man mit ihren Konse...
Published: 2015-08-30, Author: David , review by: gamerslounge.dk
Ja hvor skal vi begynde. Spillet er jo et af de bedste der er set til Playstation 4, og der er så mange gode ting i det, så det er næsten perfekt.
Styringen halter lidt efter til tider, og vi savner uden tvivl en løbeknap
Hvis vi skal tage den samlede oplevelse om vores nat i Blackwood Pines, så er vores oplevelse af Until Dawn meget positiv. Supermassive Games har formået, at lave et spil som vi nok allerede, uden at sige for meget, kan kårer det som det bedste gyser spil...
Until Dawn is a fascinating horror experience, using the creativity of its gameplay to approach the genre in a new and surprising way. It's well-paced and the blending of horror with choice-based gameplay is a fantastic union...