Abstract: 【 手机 中国拆机】从去年下半年开始,全面屏大潮席卷手机行业,各大手机厂商纷纷推出新机抢占市场。作为如今的主流设计,全面屏相较于硬件配置来说,在提高屏幕展现力的同时,更能够刺激用户的视觉神经,但是受制于技术等原因,无法做到真正意义上的全面屏,直到 vivo NEX 的出现,其升降摄像头的加入,让我们看到了未来全面屏手机的雏形。作为旗舰机型, vivo NEX 无论是工业设计还是配置体验,都是行业中的佼佼者。升降式前置摄像头、屏幕指纹识别、全屏幕发声技术、隐藏式感应元件等,这一切都是为了能让全面屏设计走...
Abstract: For this year's mobile phone manufacturers, after a wave of Liu Haiping models, maybe the small partners in front of the video have been tired of watching, nothing more than your bangs bigger, my bangs are smaller, your chin is narrower, I The chin is slightly wider. I always feel that after the iPhoneX, the trend of domestic comprehensive screen is completely smashed, but what is more surprising is that the first to break this bangs is not the MIX series of Xiaomi nor the Mate series of Huawei. But VIVO's NEX~ So what is the actual performance of the legendary NEX? Let's experience it with rice today!
Grossohop che me lo ha procurato lo ha messo a catalogo ma ad oggi non ne ha ancora definito il prezzo. Sarà attorno i 600 euro per un A che forse ha più senso dell'N. Costa meno, gli manca l'845 ma il 710 va una bomba e il sensore sotto al display non mi...
最後我們再一起來討論一下價格,3898的普通版是驍龍710,加600可以買到驍龍845和8G內存,這可以說是賺大發了。綜合來看,4499元的旗艦版是最適合入手,價格雖然還是比其他國產驍龍845機型貴,但差價還算合理。而頂配多了128G存儲,貴了500,對大部分人來說,容量超標太多,沒有必要,當然發燒者,還是可以買的哦。. vivo NEX是一台短板還可以接受,但「長板」很長的手機,帶著概念氣息,但卻非常又很適合過日子。一句話概括筆者對NEX的評價:這外觀、這拍照、這續航,吹爆!從APEX到NEX,相信大...