Yakuza 4 is once again another solid entry in the series, yet it still has a very niche appeal. Fans of the series will no doubt love the addition of three new characters, the return of the brutal combat system and the extension to the city, while oth...
It looks amazing - the characters and environments are very lifelike. Great voice acting. There’s tons to do in Kamurocho, from the main storyline to substory side-quests and mini-games like golf or arcade games. Interesting storyline. Amazing details are present throughout. You could probably spend a month playing and not complete it. Multiple difficult levels. Can see snippets from the past fo
There’s only Japanese language voice acting, which may not appeal to some gamers. Chase scenes are difficult to control. Have to follow a certain progression, can’t just jump into Kazuma’s story. Sometimes map can be a bit awkward to read.
Yakuza 4 knüpft direkt an den Vorgänger an und kann trotz gleicher Grafik-Engine noch immer bei der Optik punkten. Eine verbesserte Bewegungsfreiheit die dem Spieler nun erlaubt auch auf Dächern oder im Untergrund zu agieren und die Möglichkeit vier P...
Abstract: I've remained a pretty big fan of the Yakuza series since its North American debut on the PS2 in 2005. Yakuza 2 had remained my favorite entry, and while I did enjoy Yakuza 3, I'll admit to growing a little bored with the combat and exploration of Kamu...
Abstract: The stories of each character intertwine intricately and you have to keep your eye out for references in each ones’ story to notice parts from previous chapters. Although they are all involved in one huge plot, their own stories are interesting an..
Abstract: The Yakuza series has always been more popular in Japan than in North America. Perhaps it's the fascination with the Italian Mafia, which has more influence in the US, that keeps sales low here; maybe it's due to the sometimes heavy editing of the con...
Abstract: Eén jaar na de release van YAKUZA 3, mogen wij Europeanen en ook de Amerikanen aan de slag met het vierde deel uit deze populaire serie. YAKUZA 4 belooft beter, mooier, interessanter en vooral leuker te worden dan zijn voorganger. Maar, heeft SEGA vold...
Abstract: Yazuzan är den Japanska motsvarigheten till den Italienska maffian. Det är ett brottssyndikat som sträcker sig över hela Japan även om verksamhetens hjärta är Tokyo. I denna skumma värld utspelar sig Yakuzaspelen. Som de tidigare spelen i serien så cen...
Yakuza has long been a divisive franchise due to its peculiarities and Yakuza 4 is no different. With its masses of dubiously motivated characters, strangely staged fights and hour upon hour of passive video, it won't be to everyone's taste. That said, if...