
Playstation 3


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Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within

Last published: 2014-07-11
1 Reviews

Fighting Vipers

Last published: 2013-06-05
1 Reviews

The Last of Us

Last published: 2011-12-19
Most Awarded June 2013
Most Awarded June 2013
103 Reviews

Resistance 2: Collectors Edition

Last published: 2008-10-29
2 Reviews

Batman: Arkham City

Last published: 2011-10-17
Editor’s Choice October 2011
Editor’s Choice October 2011
36 Reviews

Metro 2033

Last published: 2010-03-15
4 Reviews

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Last published: 2014-02-28
2 Reviews

God of War 3

Last published: 2010-03-09
Editor’s Choice March 2010
Editor’s Choice March 2010
108 Reviews

Crysis 2: Limited Edition

Last published: 2011-05-02
1 Reviews


Last published: 2009-11-16
7 Reviews

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