
Wii U


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Mario Kart 8

Last published: 2014-03-06
Most Awarded July 2014
Most Awarded July 2014
49 Reviews

Super Mario World

Last published: 2013-06-12
3 Reviews

Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition

Last published: 2013-04-16
13 Reviews

Super Mario Maker

Last published: 2015-09-06
Most Awarded September 2015
Most Awarded September 2015
63 Reviews

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Directors Cut

Last published: 2013-10-24
6 Reviews

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Last published: 2014-01-30
Highest Rated February 2014
Highest Rated February 2014
52 Reviews

Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 4 - A Block And A Hard Place

Last published: 2016-02-17
1 Reviews

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

Last published: 2016-03-15
1 Reviews

Wii Sports Club: Bowling

Last published: 2014-02-18
1 Reviews

New Super Mario Bros. U

Last published: 2013-04-15
40 Reviews

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