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Receivers Buyer’s Guide

Receivers are one of the major components of a home theater system. These devices are responsible for routing video signals to the TV, as well as for amplifying the audio. They decode surround sound formats and then route the audio to the different speakers. Receivers can accept input from various devices including DVD players; CD players and VHS machines.

This expert guide aims to explain the different types of receivers; important features to take into consideration when reviewing them, as well as provide guidance on the types of receivers available within the various budget ranges.

    Guide: Find the best products in "Receivers" Showing products 1-10 of 1707  

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Pioneer SC-LX77

Last published: 2014-09-22
1 Reviews

Denon AVP-A1HD

Last published: 2008-03-04
3 Reviews


Last published: 2006-11-01
1 Reviews

Marantz SR5010

Last published: 2016-01-06
1 Reviews

Onkyo TX-NR3008

Last published: 2011-04-01
2 Reviews

Airtry ATWR1 Wi-Fi Music Receiver

Last published: 2015-09-21
2 Reviews

Kenwood KRF-V9090D

Last published: 2010-02-21
2 Reviews

Arcam DiVA AVR350A

Last published: 2006-11-01
1 Reviews

Anthem MRX-500

Last published: 2011-08-03
6 Reviews

Onkyo TX-SR577

Last published: 2009-07-21
1 Reviews

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