Testseek.com have collected 17 expert reviews of the AeroCool Touch-2100 and the average rating is 85%. Scroll down and see all reviews for AeroCool Touch-2100.
17 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
AeroCool Touch-2100 эффектное и функциональное устройство, позволяющее следить за температурой компонентов, управлять вентиляторами и добавить два дополнительных USB 3.0 разъема. К преимуществам отнесу поддержку сенсорного управления, стильный внешний вид...
Published: 2014-02-07, Author: David , review by: uk.hardware.info
Abstract: Keeping a high-end PC cool remains a balancing act between temperature and noise levels. With the right enclosure, you can ensure that both maintain a desirable level. But what if you like to vary noise levels and temperatures, how do you do that? A fun...
Abstract: There are tons of software temperature and status monitoring software, and they do a good job of letting users keep track of the speed at which their fans are spinning and how warm their graphics card is getting. This is undoubtedly useful for overclocker...
Jeg synes den giver både et flot og et lidt aggresivt look, Jeg er også vild med fronten, dog kan man se optegningerne af felterne i displayet når det er slukket, God ide, At lave en enhed som har masser af power til at styre blæsere og oplyse om temperat
Well folks, there you have it in all of its glory. Aerocool hit on all the major points of what a fan controller should offer users, and even took it a few steps further. While knobs or sliders would work, the touchscreen LCD is top notch gear, and it...
Embalaje bastante bien protegido y presentación más o menos buen, salvo la falta de más información sobre las especificaciones técnicas, Manual de instrucciones claro y precis, encima en múltiples idiomas, Accesorios de acompañamiento dignos de mención. S
Se echa de menos un listado claro de especificaciones técnicas en el embalaje del producto, Añadir adaptadores en “Y” (al menos 5 para 10 ventiladores) o multiplicadores de placa electrónica de 1 entrada y 3 salidas (al menos 5 para 15 ventiladores). Esto
El panel táctil Aerocool Touch-2100 está recomendado por Hardaily para equipos con un sistema conjunto de ventilación contundente, de al menos 10 ventiladores de 12-14 cm, o similar. Esta configuración suele verse en torres de grandes dimensiones, con gra...
The AeroCool Touch-2100 Fan Controller is no doubt a solid product and besides the usual fan speed tuning and temperature monitoring we also get a customizable alarm, two USB 3.0 ports along with a microphone and headphone jack. The manufacturer has t...
Published: 2013-06-01, Author: Stephan , review by: hardcute.de
Lüftersteuerungen sind im Zeitalter der Ultra-Silent-PCs nicht für Jedermann eine geeignete Investition. Vor allem ist es schwierig, das geeignete Modell auszusuchen. Die Aerocool Touch 2100 gehört zu den Premium-Deluxe-Modellen und verfügt über eine ausg...