Abstract: Apple Watch series 4購入レビュー、今回は999円という格安ミラネーゼループを入手したので着け心地や過去に購入したMoto 360版ミラネーゼと比較します。今回 Amazon で購入したミラネーゼループはステンレススチール製なのでApple純正品と同じ素材です。また、止め金具の部分がマグネットになっていて好きな位置にとめられました。前に購入したMoto 360のサードパーティ製ミラネーゼと並べてみました。Apple Watch向けのミラネーゼループのメッシュが細かいことがわかります。止め...
Published: 2018-09-27, Author: Andrew , review by: appleinsider.com
Abstract: Apple takes unjustified heat for iteration of a product year after year, but without tossing out the whole platform and design, the company has a game-changer on its hands with the evolutions in the Apple Watch Series 4.($32 off in tax outside NY & NJ*)($...
Abstract: Eh si, complice l'aver dimenticato a casa l'i Phone Xs max, ho voluto provare a fare una recensione diversa, visto che la grande novità di quest'anno è l'arrivo della versione LTE in Italia, supportato da Vodafone, che attiva la eSim integrata nell'orol...
Abstract: 애플워치 시리즈4 개봉기 아이폰Xs, 아이폰Xs 맥스와 함께 출시한 애플워치 시리즈4는 상대적으로 아이폰에 비해 낮은 관심을 받고 있지만, 실질적인 승리자라고 불리고 있습니다. 아이폰Xs 시리즈의 변화보다 애플워치 시리즈4의 변화는 훨씬 더 크게 느껴지며, 그 변화에 대해 좋은 반응을 얻고 있는데요, 1차 출시국에 포함된 해외의 애플 스토어에서 아이폰Xs 시리즈는 예약 없이 구입할 수 있지만, 원하는 애플워치 시리즈4를 구입하기 위해선 픽업 예약이...
Published: 2018-09-27, Author: Chris , review by: engadget.com
Bigger and improved screen, Long battery life, Much-improved performance, Accurate step tracking, Walkie-Talkie conversations are a blast, New heart features could save lives, Talking to Siri is easier
More expensive than ever, Transferring LTE service can be tricky, ECG feature isn't ready yet, Some watch faces feel like information overload, Rival watches have even better battery life
Apple has done a lot of work here, and nearly all of it is excellent. The big-screen redesign was long overdue and well-executed. The Watch's performance has improved to the point where it more or less just does what you need when you need it. WatchOS 5 h...
Cette Apple Watch Series 4 a globalement tout pour plaire. Un écran plus grand, un meilleur processeur, une meilleure autonomie, un son plus puissant, plus des fonctionnalités de santé séduisantes. De quoi faire la différence avec ses camarades de jeu. Do...
Apple Watch Series 4 är den största och bästa förändringen av Apple Watch hittills. Oavsett med vad och hur vi jämför är det här en klocka som blivit bättre på alla punkter. Ett givet köp – i alla fall om du har lust att lägga 5 000 kronor på en smartkloc...
Published: 2018-09-27, Author: Julia , review by: Chip.de
Einwandfreie Performance, Praktischer Energiesparmodus, Fitness- und Gesundheitsfeatures, eSIM mit LTE-Unterstützung, Haptisches Feedback in der Krone
Etwas überladene UI in watchOS 5, Akku-Laufzeit niedriger
Vom Fitnessgerät zum Gesundheitsmonitor: Dank neuer Features entwickelt Apple die sich die Watch Series 4 zum ernstzunehmenden medizinischen Helfer. Dabei stecken weder die Performance der Smartwatch, noch andere Features zurück. Nur die Akkulaufzeit leid...