Abstract: 후에 자세한 리뷰를 올리겠지만 일단 개봉하고 설정을 마친 상태에서 간단한 소감을 몇 가지 적고자 합니다. 제가 구매한 모델은 40mm로 이전 세대 38mm보다 2mm가 더 커졌습니다. 원래 손목이 작아 40mm를 택했습니다. 무엇보다도 30% 더 커진 에지-투-에지 디스플레이가 제일 마음에 듭니다.초기 설정 시 iPhone 및 맥과 연동도 부드럽고 iPhone 월릿 앱에 저장된 모든 카드가 그대로 워치에 연동되었고 애플페이 기능도 아무런 문제...
Abstract: 2018年9月21日(金)から発売開始が予定されている「Apple Watch Seriers 4」の先行レビューが解禁され、一斉に公開された!国内メディアおよび海外メディアをそれぞれまとめたので、「Apple Watch Series 4」を買うべきかどうかをまだ悩んでいる人、購入したが待ちきれずに気持ちを高めたい人は是非一度ご覧あれ!国内メディアの「Apple Watch Series 4」先行レビュー海外メディアの「Apple Watch Series 4」先行レビューシェアツイートLINEはてブあ...
Abstract: 昨日苹果已经向用户派送iPhone XS/iPhone XS Max和Apple Watch Series 4,许多用户已经开箱了最新的苹果设备。 外媒MacRumors也第一时间上手了零售版Apple Watch Series 4,这也可能是今年发布的秋季新品中较前代产品变化最大的产品,我们一起来看看吧。Apple Watch Series 4的整体尺寸比前代略大,而厚度还比Apple Watch Series 3略薄,在显示面积上却大幅提升(40mm表款较前代38mm大35%,44mm表款...
Abstract: The 10 best smartphones of 2018CES and MWC are over and it's time to clear the dust and see what smartphones are leading the pack this year.Read MoreThe new Apple Watch Series 4 is available today and this new wearable from Apple may have been the best ne...
Published: 2018-09-21, Author: Julia , review by: computerbild.de
Misst Puls und Schritte exakt, Sprachassistentin Siri an Bord, Motivation durch Wettbewerbe, Erkennt Trainings automatisch, Trage- und Bedienkomfort hoch, Regelmäßige Updates, UMTS- und LTE-Verbindung
Kein Schlaftracking, Akkulaufzeit kurz, Nur mit iPhones kompatibel
Die Apple Watch Series 4 überzeugt mit einem größeren Display, das mehr Platz für Inhalte bietet und sich besser bedienen lässt. Apple setzt verstärkt auf das Thema Gesundheit: Die neuen Bewegungssensoren merken, wenn der Nutzer schwer stürzt. In diesem F...
Big, beautiful display, Advanced health sensors, Faster processing power, Useful Raise to Speak Siri
The Series 4 isn’t perfect. The Apple Watch has been coasting on 18-hour battery life since it launched, which makes it less than ideal for tracking sleep, and that hasn’t changed with the Series 4. And many people tell me they would love an Apple Watch b...