Abstract: Apple Watch Series 4已經有許多網友配戴多時了,使用上也駕輕就熟,這回要為各位帶來比較特別的測試內容:走訪北海道並配戴Apple Watch Series 4的滑雪體驗分享。除了Apple Watch自身相容套組之外,為滑雪者特別開發的App「snoww」也是體驗重點,透過綜合實測來幫各位雪友找出亮點! 滑雪的動態動作相當豐富,像是加速、轉身、曲身與跳躍等,都可以透過Apple Watch Series 4本身富含的活動追蹤進行體能訓練、app監測與健康功能觀察。而特別貼身為滑雪者開發、...
Abstract: Cả hai series đều có cùng thiết kế cơ bản là mặt đồng hồ hình vuông với cạnh tròn, dây đeo có thể thay đổi được và được làm từ các kim loại khác nhau. Series 4 có thân mỏng hơn và màn hình lớn hơn nhiều so với Series 3. Màn hình của nó cũng sắc nét và sán...
Abstract: Despite gloomy news in the smartphone industry, Apple has something to cheer about. The Cupertino giant has continued to lead in the wearables market with more than twice the shipments that Xiaomi managed in the same period.According to a report by IDC, a...
Abstract: Despite gloomy news in the smartphone industry, Apple has something to cheer about. The Cupertino giant has continued to lead in the wearables market with more than twice the shipments that Xiaomi managed in the same period.According to a report by IDC, a...
Abstract: Den nyeste udgave af Apple Watch har 30 procent større skærm, der går længere ud til urkassens kant, og det er en smule tyndere. Er det et lækkert ur, man har lyst til at vise frem? Det er en smagssag. Man kan i hvert fald se, det er et Apple-ur.En lille...
Abstract: Some say discretion is the better part of valor, which means the discreet yet useful Apple Watch Series 4 may be the bravest thing of all. What is the nature of a wristwatch? For most of us, it's something we wear and look at when we need the time. A sm...
Abstract: Smartwatche podbiły serca milionów użytkowników na całym świecie. Ich funkcje pozwalają lepiej zarządzać swoim czasem oraz wygodnie komunikować się ze znajomymi. Jakie modele wiodą prym w tym czasie? Sprawdźmy razem...
La Fossil Q aurait pu être une excellente montre connectée si elle était moins dépendante de Google et de Wear OS. Dommage, car sur l'aspect esthétique c'est un sans-faute.Retour au menuQuelques conseils pour choisir votre montre connectée: L'OS avant tou...
Published: 2019-02-20, Author: Benjamin , review by: 9to5mac.com
Abstract: Apple has released a cool new ad today called Flight that highlights the cellular capabilities of the Apple Watch. In the ad created by film director Jonathan Glazer, renowned skydiver Inka Tiitto runs through the forest with her watch and then is catapul...
Os preços oficiais do Apple Watch Series 4 variam bastante por aqui dependendo do tamanho da caixa, se ele é de alumínio ou aço, se tem ou não conectividade 4G e se vem com alguma pulseira especial. Com isso, ele pode ir de R$ 4 mil até R$ 7,9 mil no site...