现在这块Apple Watch Series 4已经成为我每天必须佩带的产品,而随着我长期的使用,我越发感觉这块Apple Watch Series 4就像当年的iPhone 4一般。它就是整个智能手表行业的标杆,配合多个传感器,它也能让我们更好地了解自己的身体状态。唯一的遗憾就是,目前小编深处的北京地区仍然无法使用eSIM功能,不过为了向各位全方位展现Apple Watch Series 4的魅力,我们也将在年后办理一张支持eSIM地区的电话卡,为大家带来Apple Watch Series 4的完整体...
Just as I had concluded with the Apple Watch Series 3, I would say that you should go for the Cellular version of the Apple Watch Series 4 if, and only if, you absolutely have to be connected at all times. During the couple of months that I used the Watc...
Abstract: 2018年9月13日凌晨舉行的蘋果秋季發布會上,蘋果正式發布了這款Apple Watch Series 4(以下簡稱S4)。相比上一代的S3,它提升了螢幕的尺寸,降低了表身的厚度,其中最大的改變,莫過於價格上的提升!不管是GPS版還是GPS+蜂窩移動數據版,價格都提升了將近千元!小編也是第一時間入手了GPS版的44MM款手錶,在使用了四個月後,小編就詳細的給大家評測一下這款蘋果新一代的手錶。首先我們看一下包裝,延續了蘋果手錶經典的包裝,一個外包裝加一個錶盤盒再加一個錶帶盒,充電線也是延續了上一代的磁吸...
Published: 2019-01-25, Author: Erik , review by: Mobil.se
Abstract: Vi kan snabbt konstatera att det inte finns någon smart klocka som är bäst för alla. Vilken klocka du ska välja, om någon, beror mycket på vilken funktion du vill att klockan framförallt ska fylla. Det står utom tvivel att de sju klockor vi testar här ger...
Published: 2019-01-19, Author: Oliver , review by: mobiflip.de
Ich will im Alltag weder auf eine Smartwatch, noch auf die Apple Watch und nach mehreren Wochen auch nicht mehr auf die Series 4 verzichten. Selbst so kleine Veränderungen wie ein etwas größeres Display haben auf meinen Alltag einen großen Einfluss, da ic...
The Apple Watch undoubtedly is among the most contemporary fitness and lifestyle wearables in the market today, in addition to being a smartwatch. Over the years, Apple has managed to make it the most sold smartwatch in the market, beating luxury watch ma...
Published: 2019-01-13, Author: Richard , review by: computertotaal.nl
Abstract: Prijs: Vanaf € 429,00Website: www.apple.com/nlApple bracht in september z’n nieuwe smartwatch uit; de Apple Watch Series 4 is een aardige update. Het display is groter en de zogenaamde Digital Crown waarmee je het horloge kunt bedienen, heeft voelbare fee...
Tela OLED expandida, Fluidez no uso do sistema, Função fitness abrangente, Recursos de saúde são os mais avançados disponíveis em um smartwatch,
Ecossistema de apps limitado
Modelo Nike+ do Apple Watch Series 4. A pulseira e o mostrador são exclusivos dessa versão.Mesmo com a inclusão e o refinamento de tantas funcionalidades, ainda não é possível dizer que o Apple Watch – ou qualquer smartwatch – seja um item essencial e con...