Der neue Apple TV (4. Generation) überzeugt im Praxis-Test mit cleveren Features und coolen Funktionen. Technisch kann er zwar nicht mit aktuellen Streaming-Boxen mithalten, ist dafür aber perfekt in die Apple-Welt integriert...
Abstract: Opinions are universal. Everyone has one. I'm enjoying the Apple TV, but there are a few problems Apple needs to address.Developers have been working for months to create apps in time for the release of the Apple set-top box, but their hard work is being...
Siri works well for TV and movies, Really fast, Games are a fun addition
Siri is extremely limited, Have to log in to every app individually, No 4K support
More times than not, the Verge score is based on the average of the subscores below. However, since this is a non-weighted average, we reserve the right to tweak the overall score if we feel it doesn't reflect our overall assessment and price of the produ...
Enfin un App Store pour le téléviseur, Superbes économiseurs d'écran, Potentiel de Siri, Recherche universelle
Siri limité, interprétation à améliorer, Clavier virtuel horrible, Interface trop claire, pas idéale dans une pièce sombre, Pas de support au-delà du 1080p (pour les moniteurs), La distribution des applications (attente), Impossible de recharger la téléco
Siri: un assistant pas si intelligentLa télécommande en porte le nom, autant dire que Siri est une pièce centrale de l'Apple TV. L'assistant est particulièrement utile lorsque l'on cherche des films ou des séries TV. Une recherche par nom (un acteur, un...
Published: 2015-11-03, Author: Stuart , review by:
Apps and games aplenty, Bluetooth game controller support, Siri universal search
No 4K support, no iPhone app, no Bluetooth keyboard support, app discovery could be better, Siri search doesn't work for music
As a day one device the new Apple TV feels a bit half-baked, especially in light of the strengthening competition. And as it's taken a couple of years for a refresh to appear, so we feel Apple should be a step ahead of the game. There's no accompan...
На рынок вышла новая версия Apple TV, но о революции в мире телевизоров говорить еще рано. Базовые функции пока доступны на уровне, знакомом нам по Fire TV или сравнимым телевизионным приставкам. Конечно, преимуществом Apple TV является интеграция с собст...
Published: 2015-11-02, Author: Phil , review by:
Apps and games have arrived. Hardware is all toprate — this is a fast settop box with a great remote. tvOS is an improved system for navigating Apple TV. Siri works very well within its range. Faster AirPlay and wireless. Apple Music is available. Aerial
Limitations in Siri and search are disappointing. Current apps are underwhelming; App Store itself needs work. The most expensive settop box available. Siri Remote is expensive to replace. No 4K video support. Cable subscription apps still must be authent
Pros: Apps and games have arrived. Hardware is all top-rate — this is a fast set-top box with a great remote. tvOS is an improved system for navigating Apple TV. Siri works very well within its range. Faster AirPlay and wireless. Apple Music is available...
Abstract: 애플이 출시한 150달러(약 17만 원)짜리 스트리밍 박스 신제품인 4세대 애플TV는 집안에서 가장 큰 스크린을 앱스토어와 연결해준다. 이제 세계 최고의 영화 제작자 게임 개발자 유통업체 심지어 퍼스널 트레이너까지 집에서 편안하게 만나볼 수 있다.그런데 긴 기다림 끝에 이번 주에 비로소 출시된 4세대 애플TV는 값비싼 케이블 TV 서비스 가입을 해지할 만한 ‘코드커팅' 해법을 제시한 것은 아직 아닐지도 모르겠다.4세대 애플TV는 여러분의 TV를 거...
Abstract: 시리는 넷플릭스 훌루 HBO, 쇼타임 아이튠스에 있는 콘텐츠를 검색할 수 있다. 하지만 이 컬렉션은 경쟁사인 로쿠에 비하면 뒤처진다. 컬렉션의 범위를 넓히는 것이 애플이 해결해야 할 최우선 과제라고 생각한다.시리의 강점은 좀 더 진화된 질문 기능에 있다. 가령 “80년대 로맨틱 코미디 보여줘”라고 말한 후에 “톰 행크스 나온 걸로만”이라고 추가 요청을 할 수 있다.시리에게 날씨도 물어볼 수 있다. 대사를 못 알아들었다면 “방금 뭐라고 했어?”라고...