Abstract: September has set Apple phenomenon in motion again. Among other things, Apple has launched the new model of Apple TV, previously updated in 2013. Apple TV has been Apple's take on future of TV; it is not a TV with a screen but a Set-top box device with a...
Third-party games and apps, Stable and responsive, Siri could be a game-changer, Very fast, easy set-up
Lacking some key apps, Siri Remote can irk, No 4K support
In all, then, this new Apple TV is a bit of a mixed bag, and fairly expensive compared to the competition. Rather than promising the future of television, it provides something awfully akin to existing competing boxes. Fortunately for Apple, it does so in...
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Published: 2015-09-12, Author: Игорь , review by: revolverlab.com
Abstract: Новые возможности Apple TV, которые нам показали на презентации , действительно похожи на новый шаг в развитии телевидения. Ведь раньше нельзя было попросить телевизор отмотать назад и включить субтитры (в фильмах не всегда все произносят внятно). Далеко...
Na de eerste kennismaking met de Apple TV zag ik de toekomst voor het apparaat rooskleurig in. Zeker wanneer Apple zijn ontwikkelaars massaal weet te overtuigen apps en games te ontwikkelen en misschien binnenkort een betere controller uitbrengt.Siri werk...
Good picture and sound, Lovely remote control, Good voice recognition, Cross-platform search,
Expensive, Lacking apps,
Is that it? That's what we keep asking the latest Apple TV. We find ourselves frustrated and disappointed. It adds very little to the core streaming box experience that we've seen elsewhere.Taken in isolation, the new Apple TV is lovely. Had it arrived on...
Mit der inzwischen auch auf Homepage zu lesenden Formulierung "Die Zukunft des Fernsehens" ist Apple leider weit über das Ziel hinaus geschossen. Zwar gibt es durchaus interessante Ansätze, doch vor allem die neuen TV-Funktionen werden wohl hauptsächlich...
Published: 2015-09-10, Author: Игорь , review by: revolverlab.com
Abstract: Сентябрьская презентация Apple Special Event в Сан Франциско закончилась несколько часов назад. Перед представителями прессы и сотрудниками компании, Тим Кук и его молодая команда показали новые модели iPhone, Apple TV и совершенно новую модель iPad. Глав...
Abstract: 等了好幾年,Apple TV 終於更新了!全新 Apple TV 除了硬體升級外,最大亮點在它還內建 Siri 語音功能,不論是找電影、查天氣、演員資訊、甚至某個電影片段,都可以直接跟 Siri 說,讓她自動幫你尋找,當然在遙控器上也多設計了一個 Siri 實體鍵,另外這次也支援觸控操作。 全新 Apple TV 搭載頻果 A8 64 位元處理器,內建 Bluetooth 4.0 與乙太網路,支援 HDMI 影像介面。遙控器除了前面提的,這次也改用 Lightning 充電介面,續航力可達 3 個月使用時...
Published: 2015-09-10, Author: Stuart , review by: pocket-lint.com
Apps and games aplenty, Bluetooth game controller support, Siri universal search
No 4K support, No iPhone app, No Bluetooth keyboard support, App discovery could be better, Siri search doesn't work for music
As a day one device the new Apple TV feels a bit half-baked, especially in light of the strengthening competition. And as it's taken a couple of years for a refresh to appear, so we feel Apple should be a step ahead of the game.There's no accompanying rem...