Gameplay più profondo rispetto alle attese, Godibile anche in single player, seppur in modo meno marcato rispetto al multiplayer
Graficamente non il massimo
Back 4 Blood è il titolo che tutti i fan di Left 4 Dead stavano aspettando: divertente, rilassante, positivamente stupido e ricco di opportunità per cooperare e sparare in compagnia. Al netto di un comparto tecnico e di una storia non impressionanti, l'op...
Back 4 Blood je odlična večigralska izkušnja, ki pa za polno uživanje potrebuje uigrano ekipo, z katero je najbolje, da jo sestavljajo ljudje, ki jih dejansko poznate. Razvijalec Turtle Rock je uspešno predelal staro Left 4 Dead formulo in jo v prečiščeni...
Abstract: Back 4 Blood is the newest 4 person co-op shooter available for just about every major platform out there, developed by Turtle Rock Studios, the team behind the original Left 4 Dead. It's fairly obvious, and clearly intentional, that Back 4 Blood is meant...
Abstract: Back 4 Blood volgt hetzelfde stramien als de Left 4 Dead-games: een groepje van vier mensen probeert te overleven in een door zombies (‘Ridden') overlopen wereld, en moet de nodige wandelende lijken afschieten en allerlei taken voltooien om de zon weer te...
Published: 2021-10-12, Author: Anthony , review by:
Great gunplay and zombie shooting, Fun with friends and randoms, Card system is well-thought out and interesting, Sound design is fantastic, Great bots
Feels like an old game at times, Aim assist is abysmal, Hardly any plot development, zero character development, Solo play is useless
You'll find a lot of fun in Back 4 Blood. Turtle Rock Studios managed to take something that was old and give it enough of a touch-up to make sure we recognized it but played with it differently. It's fun to hop on with your friends and blast away the zom...
Abstract: There are an eye-popping amount of games coming out in 2021, and it can be a little hard to sort through all of them. From fun co-op adventures like It Takes Two to blockbuster action titles like Gotham Knights, this is a hard year in gaming to top in ter...
Abstract: O co chodzi? Oczywiście, o Cyberpunka 2077, ale o tym tytule mówi się już tyle w ostatnich dniach, że nie ma sensu roztrząsać jeszcze raz czy jego premiera to święto polskiego gamingu czy jego sromotna porażka. Dość na tym, że wreszcie trafił do sprzedaż...