There is a serious amount of enjoyment to be had here and, in many ways, Epic and People Can Fly’s assumption that the military shooter has had its day isn’t totally misplaced. Bulletstorm is surprising on almost every level, and only just falls short ...
Abstract: Bulletstorm caters to a unique audience. Unlike most modern shooters who take themselves far too seriously, this game targets people who laugh at dick and fart jokes, enjoy unloading a clip's worth of lead into another man's naughty bits, and like play...
Energy leash spruces up the action, Skillshot system constantly rewards you for stylish kills, Cool arsenal of weapons and moves, Outdoor environments look fantastic.
The excessive profanity stops being funny very quickly, A lot of predictable shooter cliches, Limited, buggy multiplayer.
This crass shooter has its drawbacks, but it's got no shortage of stylish fun....
Abstract: Olyckskorpar har kraxat om att Bulletstorms poängstinna kampsystem riskerar att bli tröttsamt i längden. Tillåt mig att fnysa sådär lagom fisförnämt, för skeptikernas teori låter varken särskilt genomtänkt eller relevant. Hade det blivit tröttsamt att ...
Abstract: You can’t really play Bulletstorm wrong per se, but it’s a game in which "the point" is fairly easy to miss. Sure, you can run through its eight-hour campaign, relying on your default military assault rifle to blast through inexhaustible crowds of th...
Abstract: Bulletstorm, salah satu game First Person Shooter yang paling ditunggu di tahun 2011, akhirnya tiba di kantor kami. Game ini lahir dari tangan dingin Epic Games, pengembang Unreal Engine yang sekaligus berhasil mempopulerkan game berkualitas seperti Gears...
Abstract: Le prochain FPS d'Electronic Arts se veut résolument atypique. Ici, pas question de se prendre au sérieux, le titre affiche un côté déjanté et désopilant. C'est avec style qu'il vous faudra éliminer vos ennemis, afin de parfaire vos scores. La démo nou...
Abstract: Det er ikke alle utviklere som lykkes omtrent 100 prosent med det de prøver på, og at spillet samtidig fenger så utrolig bra som Bulletstorm. De mange utsettelsene til tross, People Can Fly (i samarbeid med Epic) skal ha all mulig honnør for det ferdi...