Abstract: Hammerharter Schwierigkeitsgrad, echtes Rollenspiel-Flair, Überraschungen hinter jeder Ecke – der Tod lauert überall in „Dark Souls“. Stellen Sie sich der Gefahr?Die japanischen Entwickler von From Software (Übersicht) ist bekannt für charakteristisch ...
beinharter, aber stets fairer Schwierigkeitsgrad, beeindrucke und beklemmende Kulissen, hohe Spielzeit und damit verbundener Suchtfaktor, zahlreiche abwechslungsreiche Klassen, beeindruckendes GegnerDesign, nach wie vor innovative OnlineKomponente, durchdachtes Kampfsystem, regelmäßige Gefühlsachterbahnen
Ist man gewillt, sich auf den beinharten Schwierigkeitsgrad einzulassen, dann ist Dark Souls wohl eines der packendsten, besten und motivierendsten Action-Rollenspiele der vergangenen Jahre. Stets ist der Tod nur wenige Zentimeter entfernt, viel zu oft...
Abstract: Het vervolg op de moeilijkste game aller tijden is er. Dark Souls werpt spelers kerkers in gevuld met ondoden, vallen en monsters. Toen Demon's Souls onthuld werd door uitgever Atlus, kopte het persbericht 'Dit spel voedt op je tranen'. Tranen die hij ook...
Abstract: Dark Souls, developed by From Software and published by Namco Bandai, is so hard that with most of the classes of character available, many players won’t be able to finish the tutorial, which is offered in the guise of the Asylum which you, as a soul, ...
Abstract: Let's get one thing straight: Dark Souls hates you. It hates who you are and what you stand for. It hates your friends, it hates your spouse, it hates your family, it hates your pets, it hates every single little thing about you right down to the fact ...
A gorgeous and frightening world you won't want to leave, Abundant, amazing bosses test your skill and determination, Superb combat in which every attack feels powerful and precise, Fantastic online aspect lets players both cooperate and compete, Covenant system and other features lead to constant surprises.
Frame rate gets choppy in certain areas, Finicky target lock.
Dark Souls is an extraordinary role-playing game that transports you to an awesome and menacing world you may never forget. ...
In case it hasn't been clear up to this point let us reiterate again that Dark Souls is incredibly challenging, in fact at times it verges on feeling like some sections are impossible. This is a game which has been responsible for more expletives than ...
Abstract: Dark Souls Namco Bandai's spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls arrives on the XBox 360 and PS3 with Dark Souls, that furthers the hardcore nature of the RPG genre. This action based RPG transforms the player into one of the walking dead as you are given a...
The reviewer's job is difficult when it comes to a game like Dark Souls. I simply can't unreservedly recommend that you buy it. It's not a game that you play to relax. It doesn't care in the slightest about whether you're enjoying yourself, and it does...