Abstract: It is no secret that the Wii has a large amount of third-party games of questionable quality in its extensive catalog. Generally, when I've seen a Wii game that was not developed by Nintendo, my first reaction has been to steer clear. However, it would be...
Abstract: It may be an early App Store entry, but there’s no harm in revisiting a title from a major publisher. Control schemes using the iPhone’s built-in accelerometer may seem quaint now, but they were an intriguing idea during the summer of 2008, and THQ’s...
Abstract: Det er de færreste, der regner med at en lille rund gavtyv kan gøre nogen forskel for samfundet, men med lidt farve og tro på sig selv spiller musikken hurtigt et farverigt paradis op af sine rødder.Chroma City, der engang var den mest farverige by i h...
…and that’s all there is to De Blob. It reminds me an awful lot of Jet Grind Radio. Similar themes, styles, taste in music. But where psychotically loyal Sega fans will be talking about the former game for an extensively long time, I doubt that De Blo...
Abstract: de Blob first came to live as a simple looking freeware PC title created by university students in the Netherlands. After it got some notice on the Internet, THQ picked up the rights to the game for console versions and later decided to launch the game...
Abstract: Die Welt sieht trostlos aus. Alles ist nur schwarz-weiß. Die Bürger leiden unter der INKT-Invasion. So kann es einfach nicht weitergehen. Es ist Zeit für einen Helden. Es ist Zeit für eine Farbrevolution. Es ist Zeit für De Blob! Mehr Farbe braucht da...
Abstract: De Blob är en färgglad nykomling på marknaden som med sitt finurliga plattformspusslande nog kan få en hel del spelare att dra på smilbanden i vinter.
Few third-part games on the Nintendo Wii are even half as good as THQs de Blob. With its mix of fun gameplay, excellent music and a nice, twisted sense of humor, this is definitely one action/puzzle game that everyone should own. Take one part Katam...
Painting Chroma City is a fresh, satisfying experience, Story is told in a series of very smart, funny movies, Multiplayer modes are fun, Graphics and sound work together to make the most of the games great concept
Too few challenge types that repeat too often
Painting the town red, blue, or any other color is a lot of fun in this charming Wii platformer. ...