Abstract: Il est enfin sorti, le jeu qui était probablement le plus attendu cette année, Destiny. Développé par le studio Bungie, celui qui était derrière la populaire franchise Halo jusqu'à tout récemment, Destiny est lui aussi un jeu de tir à la première personne...
Abstract: I'm standing in front of a cave, my assault rifle drawn. I'm shooting at a steady stream of identical aliens. I do this for an hour, hoping an alien will drop a good enough item so I can finally feel okay about walking away. That moment never seems to com...
Destiny è senza ombra di dubbio un titolo assolutamente da acquistare anche se come anticipato prima non è esente da difetti, tuttavia il gioco ha grandissime potenzialità che nel corso dei prossimi mesi, siamo sicuri che Bungie saprà come sfruttare, al f...
Abstract: Abbiamo iniziato a giocare a Destiny il giorno stesso che è uscito, e anche dopo aver raggiunto il level cap, ovvero il livello 20 (bastano una ventina di ore di gioco) non riusciamo a smettere. L'ultimo capolavoro firmato Bungie è sicuramente uno di quei...
teils platte Story, deutliche Einschränkungen ohne Plus bzw. Gold Abo, Bewegungsradius der KI, generische Missionen, schnelle Teambildung ohne Freunde fast unmöglich, Klassen spielen sich zu ähnlich
Betrachtet man Destiny als alleinstehendes Gebilde, dann gibt es neben den vielen Pluspunkten auch ein paar Kritikpunkte. Man sollte allerdings auch immer beachten, dass Destiny kein in sich (ab)geschlossenes Werk ist. Viel mehr haben wir den Eindruck bes...
Excellent combat, Visually stunning, Good gear game
Minimal story, Some weak RPG elements
Simplistic “it's like X mixed with Y” comparisons don't really add up when attempting to explain what Destiny is, or why it's worth playing. It borrows from many well-established gaming destinations, but the climate of each is wildly different, and often...
Abstract: So the well received and much hyped Destiny launched a short while ago and since no media received early review copies the reviews took a while to filter out… but they are all pretty much out now.So taking a look at the PlayStation 4 aggregate score and w...
God only knows how much of an evolution Destiny is facing over the next decade. The game, as it stands right now and underneath the lovely graphics, gorgeous music and smooth gameplay, feels empty and repetitive. I don't know if future installments will a...