Destiny has many great elements at its core, with solid action mechanics and especially if you were already a fan of Bungie's previous work. But there are many design concerns which bog down the experience, from the boring story to the underdeveloped MMO ...
Dinamiche di combattimento molto ben progettate e coinvolgenti. Longevità decisamente alta e grafica accurata in ogni dettaglio,
Da un titolo del genere ci si aspettava una storia più profonda. È obbligatorio essere connessi ad internet per giocare e le missioni risultano troppo ripetitive e schematiche,
Un'opera visionaria in cui Bungie ha mescolato molte idee in maniera originale. Destiny è solo il punto di partenza di questo nuovo modo di vivere un esperienza videoludica. Siamo ancora distanti dal capolavoro che si cercava di far intendere prima della...
Published: 2014-09-17, Author: Jeremy , review by:
Abstract: Destiny. Does a game with this much hype and anticipation really need an introduction?If you play video games, the you have undoubtedly heard of the game either from the non-stop PR promotion over the past year or talk amongst the gaming communities. This...
Published: 2014-09-17, Author: Oli , review by:
Abstract: For all the countless millions spent on publicity for Bungie's "shared world shooter" Destiny - for all the phrases like "shared world shooter" it has contributed to the video game world's industrious output of meaningless buzzwords - the developer and it...
Abstract: Hypen kring Halo -skaparna Bungies nya FPS, Destiny, har varit smått astronomisk. Efter att ha skapat ett av världens mest ikoniska first-person shooter spel med Master Chief i huvudrollen, exklusivt till Microsofts Xbox-konsoler, så ger man sig nu in i...
Published: 2014-09-16, Author: Алексей , review by:
красивое окружение, приятная стрельба и умные противники, игра развивается вместе с пользователем, один из самых увлекательных кооперативных проектов за последнее время
сюжет неинтересен, проработка вселенной оставляет желать лучшего, задания чуть ли не идентичные, прохождение в одиночку не приносит удовольствия, Графика Земля, Венера, Марс и Луна по-своему красивы. На каждой из этих локаций можно найти множество мест, г
Repetitive, Artificial difficulty, Lack of matchmaking,
Destiny has solid foundations, but feels like its lacking in substance. It shoots for the moon, but doesn't quite make it to orbit. There's not enough variety in Strikes and loot to make it engaging in the same way Diablo is, it's not social enough to be...