Abstract: Si la película de Tomb Raider no se llamara “Tomb Raider”, habría sido una mejor película. Porque…AdvertisementDurante las primeras horas de la campaña de Far Cry 5 tuve sentimientos encontrados con el juego, una especie de relación de amor–odio. Los camb...
Beautiful landscapes, A great protagonist, Accurate weapons gameplay
Mission scheme predictable at times
The Far Cry franchise has always been one that tries to add unique elements to the standard first-person shooter experience. In Far Cry 5, Ubisoft has achieved this once again, blending together an interesting narrative, sharp gameplay and a wide variety...
Agrandar ImagenUbisoftNo me declaro fanático de la saga deFar Cryporque me parece que había caído en una historia repetitiva, pero con esta nueva entrega han despertado en mí las ganas de jugar y no despegarme del control (aún no termino el juego, por ell...
Bombastische Grafik, cineastische Animationen, Toller Soundtrack und Synchronisation, Viel schwarzer Humor, Sarkasmus und witzige Charaktere, Unzählige Hauptund Nebenmissionen, Spaßige Beschäftigungen (angeln, jagen), massenhaft Sammelgegenstände, Intuiti
Optionale Mikrotransaktionen, Alter Ego recht gesichtslos, Roter Faden der Story nicht sehr ausdrucksstark
Ich mag die Far Cry-Reihe schon seit Teil Eins und freue mich jedes Mal neu auf einen noch besseren und witzigeren Ableger - und Far Cry 5 enttäuscht meine Erwartungen nicht. Natürlich gibt es weder spielerisch, noch inhaltlich große Neuerungen, lediglich...
Stunning scenery of the country side Montana, Four well written villains with great characteristics, An open world playground for more shenanigans, Animals are you best friends
Some frustrating bugs that needs fixing
The setting and story of Far Cry 5 is unlike the previous Far Cries. In my opinion, the story and setting are more close to us in the sense of the people's dissatisfaction of the government or someone who's in power. That takes a lot of guts for character...
Abstract: After finishing Far Cry 5's story mode, I sat at my desk for ten minutes in silence. I'm a big talker, and it takes a lot to get me to shut up for even a few seconds, but the end of Far Cry 5's narrative delivered a gut punch that took a little while to g...
Published: 2018-04-02, Author: Александр , review by: ferra.ru
Abstract: По первым утекшим в сеть видеороликам геймплея Far Cry 5 можно было подумать, что игра просто переносит героя в новую локацию со свежим сюжетом, не предлагая ничего сверх. Но на деле нововведений оказалось много, и они сильно меняют впечатление от знакомо...
Ubisoft has created the Metal Gear Solid V of open-world FPS /semi-RPG games which is sort of a backhanded compliment given how the story and gameplay were handled in that game. They gave us a world filled with opportunities but chose not to capitalize on...
A GeForce GTX 1080 and AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 are perfect at 1440p and allow a constant 60FPS+ on the PC while gaming. The AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 will get you a little more performance, which is nice. At 4K you'll probably still want a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti...