" The game is an amusing way to spend a few hours, with bombastic shootouts and some wonderfully absurd moments, but it is also a missed opportunity to explore what could have been potent subject matter."...
Abstract: Dagsfärska Far Cry 5 äntrar testlabbet för ett snabbtest med fokus på grafikprestanda, där SweClockers vinterdatorer ihop med 17 olika grafikkort finns med bland resultaten.Dagsfärska Far Cry 5 äntrar testlabbet för ett snabbtest med fokus på grafikpresta...
Abstract: With Far Cry 5 finally available for PC gamers the world over on Steam, and also Ubisoft's own storefront Uplay, we took a look at what the PC version has to offer. The Far Cry series has had a mixed response on PC, with the very first game in the series...
Published: 2018-03-28, Author: Darren , review by: gamingcentral.in
Organic Quest Structure Encourages Exploration & Interaction, Fantastic Gameplay, Thoughtful Map Design Makes Good Use Of Open Spaces & Verticality Alike, Varied & Enjoyable Side Quests, Tons Of Great Emergent Gameplay Moments
AI Bugs, Looting Bodies Is A Pain, Constant Enemy Presence Can Feel Overbearing At Times (But They're Still Fun To Shoot)
Published: 2018-03-27, Author: Wolfgang , review by: xboxaktuell.de
Detailseite: Alle Infos zum SpielForum: Über das Spiel diskutierenAmazon: ab 54,99 € bestellenfacebooktwitterwhatsappAlle News26.03.2018 / Video-Special zum morgigen Release 26.03.2018 / Unser Test und Launch-Trailer online 19.03.2018 / Neuer Trailer stel...
Kaum noch Crafting, Unausgereifte Fahrzeugphysik, Tonmischung suboptimal
„Far Cry 5“ entführt den Spieler zu einem rasanten Trip in eine imposante Spielwelt ein. Es gibt viel zu erkunden, Collectibles, schräge Charaktere und kleine Prepper-Rätsel. Die neuen Gameplay-Elemente, etwa Verbündete und der Koop-Modus machen richtig L...
Far Cry 5 contains most of the gameplay elements we've seen in previous Far Cry titles (and other similar games, like Ghost Recon Wildlands). Basically, you have to eliminate opposition camps to liberate them, which increases your score in the respective...
Abstract: Far Cry 5 in many ways is precisely what you'd expect from the franchise —and that includes performance aspects as well. Built using the latest version of the Dunia engine, which was in turn built off CryEngine, it's not quite as taxing on hardware as a f...
Odsłona serii o największym poczuciu wolności i największej swobodzie, Przepiękna warstwa wideo, MASA misji, submisji oraz zawartości do zebrania, Helikoptery, samoloty, pojazdy opancerzone – arsenał zniszczenia, Montana w USA to dobre miejsce na grę wide
… ale Far Cry 3 pozostaje nie do pobicia, Takie sobie zachowanie broni palnej i taka sobie walka, Czasy ładowania (PS4 Pro, dysk SSHD), Scenariuszowe idiotyzmy, Rozwój ekwipunku oparty na punktach talentu, Monotonni przeciwnicy