Abstract: Meet FEZ, an adventure puzzle game that will rewire your brain as things you have learnt and take for granted are tossed at you, and turn into something else just before you can react.Not following? That is probably because you are only seeing a square, a...
Abstract: Inmitten lautstarker Krawallproduktionen mit Hochglanzgrafik, Effektfeuerwerk und zweistelligem Millionenbudget sind es immer öfter die vermeintlich kleinen Download-Spiele, die begeistern, verzaubern, das Medium voranbringen. "Fez" ist eines dieser S...
While perhaps not quite living up to some of the more over-excited reviews, Fez is nonetheless a smart, strange delight which reveals its clear intelligence with craft and charm rather than pomposity. ...
Abstract: April 23rd, 2012 by Miyamoto (Logan Predy) Fez’s story starts out simply enough, you’re a 2D person who has occupied a 2D world but then a mysterious old man introduces you to this ethereal cube that grants you the power through a little fez hat to shi...
Abstract: “Reality is perception, perception is subjective” muses a character in FEZ’s opening village. Right from the outset Polytron’s idiosyncratic puzzle-platformer debut makes its thematic underpinnings perfectly clear. FEZ is a game about shifting paradigm...
Abstract: Ein Statement gegen das Schema-F in der Branche. Und das Ergebnis eines finanziellen und mentalen Kraftakts des Entwicklers Phil Fish, der seit der Erstankündigung im Jahr 2008 mit Vorschusslorbeeren überhäuft wurde, an den hohen Erwartungshaltungen a...
Abstract: At some point, amongst all the flashing colours, retro music, obscure puzzles, and changing worlds in Fez, I think my brain may have imploded. Fez, an indie game developed and published by a company called Polytron, is the kind of game that will surpri...
Abstract: Name: Genre: Platform: At first glance, Fez looks to be jumping onto the retro-revivalist bandwagon that has served the likes of Super Meat Boy and Sword and Sworcery EP so well. In some respects, that's an apt observation; the game is indeed indebted...
Abstract: Efter fem långa år ser ett av tidernas mest emotsedda nedladdningsbara spel äntligen dagens ljus. Låt Chrille förklara varför slutprodukten var väl värd all väntan...