Abstract: Fez är kanske lika omtalat för sina förseningar som för sina indispelsutmärkelser. Nu har det äntligen släppts på Xbox Live Arcade och även om det är en synnerligen mysig upplevelse så vill jag vara tydlig med att det inte är ett spel för alla....
Clever core mechanic that makes 2D perspectives part of a larger 3D world, Plenty of puzzles that make you look at the world in a different way, Gorgeous environments with strong aesthetic cohesiveness
Many inscrutable puzzles that require a degree in codebreaking to figure out, Easy to lose your bearings when backtracking to previously played areas
Want to know what's behind that purple wall? In Fez, you can.Image courtesy of Microsoft
Abstract: For a while there, we were getting a little concerned about Fez. You see, this indie platformer had been getting an absurd amount of attention—thanks to Indie Game: The Movie and a respectable pile of gaming awards—but it was starting to feel like it m...
Can be confusing, Minor issues when you revisit uncompleted areas
A lovable chunk of arthouse gaming that puts the game before the art. While Fez is hardly alone in taking inspiration from an 8-bit golden age, it's one of the few titles to match the titles it pays homage to, with a brilliant mix of vintage style, intell...
Abstract: FEZ ReviewBy and large indie games don't get a lot of pre-release hype. Plenty become wildly successful after the fact, but the path to glory is fraught with peril as indie developers toil away in relative obscurity. Fez is the exception. Having been i...
Abstract: FEZ is an indie platformer with a retro look and a central premise that is as unique as it is simple. Sound familiar? Such games are a dime a dozen these days, with new ones cropping up every week, but back when FEZ was first revealed, it truly stood...
The sum of Fez’s intelligent level designs, perception mechanic, massive number of stages and secrets, and incredible art is so much more than just a shout-out to old-school gaming. Fez is a game in love with games. It has a respect for classic ideals ...