Abstract: Då var det dags för ett klassikt spel att äntra Nintendo 3DS tredimensionella universum. Det är en uppdaterad version av arkadspelet Frogger som fått nytt liv. Konamis arkadspel Frogger såg dagens ljus redan 1981. Sedan dess har spelet getts ut till en...
Abstract: The seventh incarnation of Mario Kart is further evidence of Nintendo’s uncanny ability to design entertainment that appeals to everyone. Its fanciful racetracks and colourful characters combine with intuitive controls to create a gaming experience tha...
Abstract: There seems to be one constant in life, and that is Konami's attempts to revive Frogger, the legendary arcade title, every year or so. Most of these spin-offs and sequels have been unmemorable, so it is a tall order for the latest iteration, Frogger 3D...
Abstract: Frogger is one of the most recognizable games on the planet. While not quite as famous as Pac-Man or Donkey Kong, it nevertheless has made a lasting enough impression in its arcade heyday to be "up there" with the VIPs of the gaming world. Despite th...