Testseek.com have collected 89 expert reviews of the Gigabyte Aivia Osmium and the average rating is 86%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Gigabyte Aivia Osmium.
June 2013
89 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Het aanbod aan toetsenborden dat we in dit artikel voorbij hebben zien komen, is behoorlijk divers. Enkele exemplaren springen er wat ons betreft echt uit. Allereerst de Logitech G710+ Mechanical Gaming Keyboard. Dat is op vrijwel alle vlakken het best ...
Abstract: Until recently, the most common gaming keyboards were what's known as ‘full-travel membrane' keyboards, which are still popular outside of gaming. Underneath each key is a rubber dome, with a capacitive core at its centre. When the user pushes the key, th...
we can say that the materials used on the Gigabyte Osmium are great, very sturdy and pleasant to touch The Gigabyte Osmium gaming keyboard is really comfortable to use, all the keys are well placed and easy to reach so you will not find yourself pressin...
Published: 2014-07-04, Author: Lucas , review by: gamestar.de
extrem päzise, deutliches Schalt-Feedback, langlebige MX-Schalter von Cherry, mit braunen und roten Schaltern verfügbar
Lucas Manhardt: Mit der Aivia Osmium im Test hat Gigabyte eine sehr attraktive mechanische Tastatur im Angebot, die trotz der umfangreichen Ausstattung viele Konkurrenzprodukte beim Preis unterbietet. Vor allem die praktischen Drehräder zur Regulierung de...
Published: 2014-07-01, Author: Carlos , review by: overbr.com.br
Do laboratório ao campoDo Lado De Forado Mundodock stationdocumentosDocumentos digitaisdocumentos pessoaisDoDotDodogmadogsDois novos e poderososdolarDomino´s PizzaDonald TrumpDoodle Goddoomdos imDOTDOT digitalgroupdotadoungradeDoutor Milhodoutor Milho app...
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Published: 2014-07-01, Author: Carlos , review by: overbr.com.br
A qualidade e o acabamento do OSMIUM são impecáveis, um teclado feito sob medida para os mais exigentes jogadores ! Uma lenda que retorna ao mercado de forma prazerosa e bastante presencial.Uma ergonomia satisfatória e teclas de rápido acesso, sem falar n...
Voor het geld heeft Gigabyte een mooi toetsenbord afgeleverd met een sloot aan functies. Het toetsenbord ziet er goed uit, typt heerlijk en levert waar voor zijn geld. De wieltjes voor LED en volume zijn slim bedacht. Ook voor het feit dat een polssteun ...
Published: 2014-03-21, Author: Tim , review by: play3r.net
Gigabyte are new to the mechanical keyboard scene, which is already an incredibly crowded market, however I think that with the Osmium Aivia they have made a very decent first impression. By including features that you're still not finding in modern keybo...
Qualità dei materiali, Solidità, Retroilluminazione, Regolazioni mediante scroll, Eccellente ergonomia, Tasti meccanici Cherry MX Red
Nulla da segnalare
Siamo quindi giunti al termine della nostra analisi ed è il momento di tirare le somme alla luce di quanto visto e dei test effettuati su questa sorprendente tastiera meccanica. Il nostro giudizio sulla GIGABYTE Aivia Osmium non può essere che estremamen...