Testseek.com have collected 89 expert reviews of the Gigabyte Aivia Osmium and the average rating is 86%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Gigabyte Aivia Osmium.
June 2013
89 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Pode optar por uma tecla mecânica Cherry MX Brown em vez da Cherry MX Red, Iluminação plena, Pesado e muito estável, Conexões de áudio e USB, incluindo 3.0, Software com iconografia simples que agrega mouse e teclado, Rodas de controle de iluminação, Tecl
Sem nomenclatura que diferencie os modelos com diferentes teclas mecânicas, Controles multimídia associados às teclas de função, Teclas de macro distantes dos comandos principais, Cabo pode causar dificuldade de conexão, dependendo da disposição dos equip
O Osmium com teclas Cherry MX Brown dá uma sensação mais presente de digitação, em comparação com as teclas Cherry MX Red. A resposta auxilia a mera digitação de textos e passa mais confiança na hora de jogar; o teclado parece mais “mecânico” dessa forma...
The Osmium with the Cherry MX Brown switches gives a more hands-on typing experience in comparison to the Cherry MX Red model. This response reassures the gamer and it makes the keyboard feel more “mechanical”. The macro cluster is poorly located, requ...
Don't call it a comeback, as Gigabyte has been at the gaming peripheral scene for years. The high-end gaming keyboard market is very crowded but Gigabyte's AiVia Osmium manages to standout and delivers a well-rounded performance that bundles in the esse...
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Published: 2013-04-01, Author: Jose , review by: drcaos.com
Abstract: GIGABYTE fue fundada en 1986, marcando ya una posición dominante en lo que a innovación tecnológica continua se refiere. GIGABYTE se ha ganado esta reputación como líder innovador y de confianza en el mercado global de placas base gracias a haberse enfoca...
There are some who would write off the Aivia Osmium based solely on its use of Cherry MX red switches, and that's fair enough. Mechanical keyboard aficionados tend to have a favorite switch type or two. Fortunately, Gigabyte is prepping a twin that combi...
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Published: 2013-03-06, Author: Friedrich , review by: computerwoche.de
Die erste mechanische Tastatur mit USB-3.0-Buchse enttäuscht uns im Test kein einziges Mal. Sie verschluckt selbst bei komplexen Tastenkombinationen keine Eingabe, sondern führt alle Anschläge präzise aus. Das taktile Feedback erlaubt es uns, flott zu sch...
Full size means minimal learning curve, Cherry MX Red switches, Blue backlight with variable brightness, 5 Macro Keys, Up-to five profiles, Additional connectivity features
Rough plastic exterior, Software needs work
So, the GIGABYTE Aivia Osmium is a great performer with a few very interesting features. What does that mean for our overall verdict?We believe that no factor of the Aivia Osmium's hardware can be identified as a weak link - mechanical switches perfor...
Abstract: En av de hetaste kategorierna inom kringutrustning idag, de mekaniska tangentborden, siktar på att erbjuda högre kvalitet och bättre känsla till en högre prislapp. Vi levererar därför Sveriges största test av mekaniska tangentbord i premiumsegmentet, m...