Abstract: For many people, Goldeneye represented the best game of the Nintendo 64's era. Forget Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Those may have been instant classics, but if you wanted a hardcore experience with plenty of shooting and an unforgett...
Overall, GoldenEye 007 is a great remake of a classic title for the N64. The sad part is that the worst parts of the game are all items they changed from the original game’s formula. Had they stuck with those features this game would be virtually flaw...
Abstract: Platform: Wii Developer: Eurocom Publisher: Activision Genre: FPS ESRB: TLupakan versi Nintendo 64 karena meskipun awalnya GoldenEye 007 dinyatakan sebagai sebuah remake tapi rupanya game yang satu ini berbeda dengan versi aslinya, bahkan berbeda juga den...
Abstract: At first it seemed like Activision had stumbled upon a sure-fire winner in the decision to resurrect GoldenEye 007 for the Wii. Surely the revival one of the most important and cherished console games of all time was a no-brainer? But as time wore on, ...
In conclusion, Goldeneye 007 is a great first person shooter on the Wii. The engine, graphics and motion capture are great as Eurocom have used the same technology from the Dead Space Extraction game. The game does suffer from some slow down, online an...
Abstract: Long before Halo. Long before Call of Duty. Long before that shooter that inspired Call of Duty (what was its name? Medal of something?), there was a console game that changed the way players looked at first-person shooters. It made us realize that you...
dass sie viel zu Unfair ist. Gerade im letzten Abschnitt des Spieles sollte penibelst darauf geachtet werden, dass möglichst viele Gegner ausgeschaltet werden ohne den Alarm zu aktivieren, sonst ist man schneller tot als man überhaupt reagieren kann....
Poor storytelling. No multiplayer chat, Should the new GoldenEye 007 for the Wii have simply ported the design of the original 1997 classic N64 game of the same name, or was it better to create a new game with more uptodate gameplay? I don’t know, and more importantly, I don’t care, I never played the N64 game and cannot say whether, as some claim, it is a classic that shouldn’t be tamper