Abstract: Dopo cinque anni di attesa (l'ultima espansione di Guild Wars, Nightfall, è datata 2007), milioni di appassionati si sono ributtati nella mischia online, pronti a sacrificare centinaia di ore di sonno per dedicarsi a Guild Wars 2. Considerando l'entusiasm...
Slick and thoroughly polished gameplay. Extensive variety to the environments and experience. Ambitious PvP system. Innovative and effective weapons system.
All of the typical MMO concerns - timesinks, grinds, etc. Potentially lacking endgame. Some lacklustre voice acting.
Abstract: In the past 2 years we have seen many MMORPGs either go free to play to retain players or just fall flat and die off. In 2012 alone, Lego Universe, Earthrise, Black Prophecy and City of Heroes all closed down. Star Trek Online, EverQuest, Aion and Vang...
Abstract: Det er neppe noen tvil om at jeg liker Guild Wars 2. Det er det beste massive onlinerollespillet på markedet per i dag, og kanskje det beste som er laget. Utvikler ArenaNet har skapt en imponerende verden, med mange små, finurlige løsninger og detalje...
Abstract: The idea behind the original Guild Wars was to deliver a fully realized world as big as, or bigger than, any subscription MMO without charging a monthly subscription fee. This was a new and ambitious idea at the time, and as fate would have it, Guild Wars...
Abstract: It isn't easy to make a successful MMO these days. Just ask BioWare. They had a seemingly infallible formula, but it just showed that you can't rush an MMO that didn't offer content for the hardcore players who rush through leveling, not to mention that a...
Levendige wereld, Veel te doen, Goede soundtrack, Prachtige visuele stijl, Veel vrijheid in speelstijl
Stemacteurs zijn soms ondermaats, Evenement met veel spelers kan onoverzichtelijk zijn
Guild Wars 2 is een welkome afwisseling binnen het MMO-genre. Hoewel het niet de revolutie teweeg brengt waar de ontwikkelaar op had gehoopt, zijn er vele verbeteringen die de spel-ervaring bevorderen ten opzichte van andere MMO's. Daarnaast is de game e...
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Published: 2012-09-17, Author: Arthur , review by: tweakers.net
Schitterende graphics, Vaardighedensysteem, Quests, Geen abonnement!
Nog niet helemaal bugvrij en uitgebalanceerd
Hardcore World of Warcraft-spelers of gamers die tot die groep hebben behoord zoeken al jaren naar een mmog die de volgende stap weet te zetten. Guild Wars 2 is niet de volgende stap in de evolutie van mmog’s, maar het is wel de beste mmog die we in lang...
Abstract: Ich verbringe viel Zeit in den Menüs der Charaktererstellung. Nur langsam nimmt meine Vorstellung Form an. Die Charaktergenierung von „Guild Wars 2“ lässt einfach keine Wünsche offen und das will ausgekostet werden. Hörner werden verlängert, Fell will gem...