Abstract: Aside from the fact that you have to wait a while to build a collection, we were impressed by how quick and easy the Intempo was to use, and how simple it is to transfer its contents onto other devices. While we cant see it appealing to the mass mark...
Gets complete tracks from FM radio onto your iPod, good looking unit
You can’t control whether DJs will chat over the music, 12 hours to set up – and memory is wiped when you turn it off
If you love radio but hate the DJ drivel and the ads then the rebel is ideal for you. Its direct iPod link makes it easy to get the tunes onto your PC and into your playlists. It just depends what sort of radio you listen to as to how many complete tr...
Le design classique, La simplicité, Lenregistrement sans la publicité
Lutilité de lappareil, Le prix
Certains dentre nous, les moins jeunes, se souviennent avec émotion des débuts de la radio libre dans les années 80 quand les animateurs radio mettaient un disque et partaient boire un verre, laissant toute latitude aux auditeurs denregistrer un albu...
Abstract: In some ways, the Intempo Rebel resembles a conventional FM radio. In addition, though, it has some built-in memory that allows it to record around 40 songs and convert them into MP3 files that you can then transfer onto a portable music player such as...
It does feel a little early to be buying into the concept - a little more functionality or tuner options would not go amiss here. But truth be told this is a fun and useful little friend, which really does gain more of your respect the more you use it...
If you love radio but hate the DJ drivel and the ads then the rebel is ideal for you. Its direct iPod link just adds to its value. Carrie-Ann Skinner ...