Abstract: 인텔의 ‘로켓레이크' 기반 차세대 CPU인 11세대 코어 S-시리즈 프로세서가 4월의 시작과 함께 정식 출시됐다. 신제품 출시에 맞춰 새로 PC를 장만하려는 수요도 덩달아 늘고 있다. PC를 구성할 때 메인보드는 매우 신중하게 선택해야 할 부품 중 하나다. 특히 이번 11세대 S-시리즈 프로세서는 새로운 아키텍처 적용, PCI 익스프레스 4.0 지원, 썬더볼트4 지원 등 이전 10세대에 비해 여러모로 추가되거나 달라진 부분이 많다. 그 때문에 그 기능과...
Overall, all of the four Bluetooth headsets have their pros and cons. If for some reason you need a headset that would serve mostly as a fashion accessory, yet won't be actually used much, the Jawbone ERA would be the one to pick. If you need a more a...
It wins no prizes for audio quality or comfort, but this kit is great if you want the convenience of a Bluetooth headset that works on both your phone and PC ...
Ease of use is one of the top things I want from an electronics product, and Jabra's Extreme Headset received flying colors straight out of the box. I've actually never used a Bluetooth headset before because I've felt like they looked a little bit ridi
Comfort isn't a real strong suit of this headset. The earpiece felt a bit large for me and its hard plastic made it more uncomfortable than a lot of hard earphones I've used in the past. Jabra claims that the earpiece is supposed to mold to your ear with
The Jabra Extreme Headset is no beauty queen, but does its job very well at a price that is really affordable. Discomfort aside, if you're looking for a solid, no frills bluetooth that will treat you right, the Jabra Extreme is worth your coin.Rating:This...
Abstract: Extreme är en betydligt mer intressant produkt än vad utseendet skvallrar om. Under skalet finns väl fungerande brusreduceringsteknik och Extreme...
Qua vormgeving hield Jabra het niet enkel bij de Extreme zelf, ook de verpakking is een plezier om uit elkaar te plukken. Jabra heeft de Extreme letterlijk een privé vitrine gegeven en als het aan ons ligt verdient de Extreme dat ook. De geluidskwaliteit...
Hvis du er til god lyd i dit headset, så er Clipper lige sagen. Sammen med din iPhone eller iPod Touch giver den en fantastisk musikoplevelse, og du kan også godt bruge den, når du snakker i telefon....