Abstract: Selv om platene ser til forveksling like ut, er kapasiteten mangedoblet, fra 650 MB på de første CDene til 50 000 MB på dobbelsidige BD-R-plater. Optisk lagring går muligens en usikker fremtid i møte, men det forhindrer ikke at stadig flere PC-produsen...
In diesem Test hat das Gerät gezeigt, dass es als Universalgerät einsatzbereit ist. Der DVD±RW-Test zeigte Schwierigkeiten, aber zumindest eine DVD-RW und eine DVD+RW konnte im Überschreibtest überzeugen. Bei allen anderen Medientypen waren die Ergebni...
Abstract: Add high-definition reading and writing capabilities to your PC with a Blu-ray drive, or save money with a plain DVD writer Blu-ray writers have been available for over a year now, but when we looked at them just over a year ago even the cheapest cost ...
Abstract: This six-speed Sata Blu-ray writer and three-speed HD DVD reader is packed with features. As a result, it has appeared in many retail PCs and external optical drives, including the Buffalo BRHC-6316U2 Blu-ray drive. Its 18.9cm length may be unsuitable ...
Abstract: This six-speed Sata Blu-ray writer and three-speed HD DVD reader is packed with features.As a result, it has appeared in many retail PCs and external optical drives, including the Buffalo BRHC-6316U2 Blu-ray drive.Its 18.9cm length may be unsuitable fo...
Abstract: Bullrig LG bästa köpTestets billigaste brännare är också den som har flest funktioner, stöder flest skivformat och på papperet bränner snabbast. Den ska klara av 6 gångers hastighet på enkellagriga skivor och 4 gånger på dubbellagriga. LG GGW-H20L läs...
Reads BDROM SL and DL media at 4.8x, Reads BDR at 6x and BDRE media at 2x, Reads HD DVDROM SL and DL media at 3x, Writes both DVDR and DVDR media at 16x, Allows 12x writing on 16x DVD media, Writes CDR media at 40x, Has LightScribe support, Very fast audi
Does not allow Bitsetting of DVDRW media.
Let us summarize the most important positive and negative points belowThe LG GGW-H20L's ability to read High-Definition movies both in HD-DVD and Blu-Ray formats make this drive a must have for any desktop PC or Home Theater PC (HTPC).The GGW-H20L is the...
Reads Blu-ray, HD DVD and all DVD formats and CDs, writes Blu-ray, DVD and CD
Slow in DVD writing, expensive
The LG GGW-H20L Super Multi Blue Blu-ray rewriter and HD DVD-ROM drive is a very essential part of a complete HD solution to take care of whatever you want to do with HD video content. Even though HD DVD has become a thing of the past, you can still u...