Abstract: As a general rule, kids like goo, plasticine, or anything they can mush up with their hands. They also like picture books with vivid colors and expressive characters -- that's why they dive into the Mr Men books before they can read. In 2006, someone t...
von Steffen Salomon Selten war ein Spiel so simpel, innovativ, außergewöhnlich und fesselnd zugleich. LocoRoco ist schlichtweg rundum gelungen. Das Spielkonzept ist sehr spaßig und die Atmosphäre absolut stimmig. Das einzige Problem könnte der ungewö...
Abstract: Are there any new ideas left in the world of video games? The answer reveals itself as you bounce, squeeze, and chow your way through the magical world of the LocoRoco in a fresh platforming experience that stands out as one of the best reasons to inv...
From my personal experience, older gamers take an almost-instant dislike if they happen to glance at your screen while you are playing LocoRoco, obviously confusing this game with something aimed towards pre-teens, but if they stick around for more tha...
Abstract: I am so sick of hearing people complain about the lack of creativity in a game, but these same people will never go out and purchase a game that is truly unique because it is “to different.” Here is the scenario I have come up with. People wil...
Abstract: LocoRoco belongs to the growing genre of games that experiment with physics. Its a platformer of sorts like Katamari Damacy, but this one explores the properties of gel blobs and gravity. It would be an interesting centerpiece for a programming lectur...
Abstract: När man först får syn på Loco Roco så blir man glad. Efter att ha spelat det i ett tjugotal timmar är man fortfarande glad, för det är svårt att bli något annat. Det hela utspelar sig på Locos hemplanet som är under attack från små taggiga elakingar....