Presentationถ้าคุณเคยเล่นภาคที่ผ่านมา พอได้สัมผัสภาคนี้คุณอาจจะรู้สึกเหมือนไม่ได้เล่นเกม Metro เลย ทั้งที่เกมก็ใช้ชื่อว่า Metro แต่ฉากที่เป็นอุโมงค์ใต้ดินแคบ ๆ จะเป็นแค่ส่วนน้อยนิดในการผจญภัยครั้งนี้ ตัวเกมจะไม่ได้เป็น Open World เต็มรูปแบบ แต่มันจะเป็นรู...
Published: 2019-02-27, Author: David , review by:
Abstract: Numa indústria saturada de jogos na primeira pessoa com um foco competitivo, são cada vez menos os títulos deste género que oferecem experiências solitárias sem elementos multijogador ou de componente social. Felizmente, ainda existem algumas séries ancor...
Published: 2019-02-26, Author: Chris , review by:
Strong balance between open and closed areas, allowing for good progression without railroading, Visually great throughout, from splendorous scenery to creepy corridors and monstrous mutants, Excellent character building, though a lot of it is optional, I
Forces direct combat with incredibly difficult bosses even after promoting stealth gameplay, Average at best voice acting as a result of forcedRussian accents, which also doesn't match the subtitles
Metro Exodus is an incredibly atmospheric, engaging and compelling shooter that places an onus on the player to think on their feet, thanks to stringent limitations on ammo, supplies and the resources required to make more. Enhancing this is a world that...
Abstract: Pembicaraan terkait nama Metro Exodus, terutama untuk versi PC, memang lebih banyak didominasi soal kebijakan publishing aneh yang diambil oleh Koch Media dan Deep Silver. Bahwa alih-alih memanfaatkan user masif Steam yang sudah menempuh angka ratusan jut...
Abstract: Metro Exodus ha convinto gli utenti: molti giocatori hanno scritto una recensione positiva, ma l'hanno fatto su Steam. Come sappiamo, Metro Exodus è stato al centro dell'attenzione nelle settimane precedenti alla sua release. L'improvvisa decisione di...
Abstract: PlayStation 4 y Xbox One tienen cinco años en el mercado, y ya hay rumores de una próxima…La saga de videojuegos Metro comenzó con Metro 2033 en el 2010, título que tuvo una secuela en el 2013 llamada Metro: Last Light. Todos estos juegos se basan en la s...
Les environnements sont complètement dingues, Des zones variées et vastes, L'histoire, hyper prenante, La personnalisation de nos armes, Une prise en main simple, mais efficace, La VF, pour une bonne immersion
L'IA, ce n'est pas la joie, Les quelques bugs par-ci, par-là, Des animations souvent rigides, Artyom, tu ne veux pas juste dire un mot ? S'il te plaît
Abstract: La tanto amata saga di Metro è giunta al suo epilogo finale con Metro Exodus, un titolo di un'importanza vitale per i ragazzi dei 4A Games. Metro 2033 ha segnato un punteggio ammirevole alla sua uscita nel lontano 2010 e trovare una degna conclusione ad u...
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Published: 2019-02-24, Author: Anton , review by:
Abstract: Der Roman Metro 2033 vom russischen Autor Dmitri Alexejewitsch Gluchowski spielt in Moskau nach einem Atomkrieg. Die Überlebenden müssen in U-Bahn-Schächten leben, da die Welt von der radioaktiven Angriffen verseucht und zerstört wurde. Perfekte Vorlage f...