Strong suction power, Standout battery life, App supports area cleaning, scheduling, virtual no-go zones, Works with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, True HEPA filter
Small dustbin requires frequent emptying, Underwhelming obstacle avoidance, Battery warranty lasts only six months, Loud, 691) ? this,parentElement: this,parentElement,parentElement;el,querySelectorAll(',hide-three'),forEach(function(item){item,classList
Forme en D pour accéder dans les recoins, brosse principale extra large, grand bac à poussières / configuration très simple
cartographie légère, application assez sommaire, mauvaise gestion des tapis à poils longs
Présentés il y a bientôt 2 ans, les Neato D8, D9 et D10 ont souffert de nombreuses lacunes logicielles, que le constructeur a corrigées en avril dernier afin d'améliorer les performances de ses robots. Grâce à cette mise à jour logicielle, Neato promet...
Published: 2022-05-03, Author: June , review by:
Abstract: The Neato D10 is the Tesla Cybertruck of robot vacuums. Just look at it. But unlike the EV, the Neato D10 proves that form is, in fact, over function. (It's also in stock and won't hold your deposits for years.) With its D-shaped figure that's designed to...
Abstract: Neato D10 är en robotdammsugare som kommer som ett av dom senaste släppen och som Neato D8 finner vi en robot som gör vissa saker väl såsom ett smidigt underrhåll samt en installation och tillbehör som vi finner funktionella samt...
außerordentliche Ausdauer des Akkumulators (T∅ im Eco-Modus: 323 min),exzellente Qualität der Materialien & des Materialverbunds,HEPA H13-Filter kann auch Milben, Pollen usw. abscheiden,kommt regelmäßig wieder von allein in seine Station zurück
kann mancherlei Hindernisse nicht verlässlich erkennen
Materiali di qualità, Qualità nell'aspirazione, Cassetto dello sporco molto ampio, Form factor caratteristico
Mancano alcune funzioni smart, Tempi di pulizia elevati
Dall'altro lato della medaglia sentiamo l'assenza di alcuni funzioni “smart” che siamo abituati a vedere nell'applicazione mobile, e forse un tempo di pulizia a volte troppo elevato. L'assenza della modalità di lavaggio può essere un aspetto negativo per...
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Published: 2022-03-22, Author: Helen , review by:
Long run time, Good dirt pick up, Quiet
Expensive, Climbs onto low furniture and ledges, Multiple map features in app could be better
This top-of-the-range vacuum from Neato is the highest spec robot you can buy from the brand. The D10 features a long 300-minute run time, a HEPA filter and was better at collecting dust than any other Neato robot vacuum we've tested, but this does mean a...
Published: 2022-03-22, Author: Helen , review by:
Long run time, Good dirt pick up, Quiet
Expensive, Climbs onto low furniture and ledges, Multiple map features in app could be better
This top-of-the-range vacuum from Neato is the highest spec robot you can buy from the brand. The D10 features a long 300-minute run time, a HEPA filter and was better at collecting dust than any other Neato robot vacuum we've tested, but this does mean a...
Forme en D efficace dans les coins, Aspirateur très endurant
Aspiration lente sur moquette fine, Filtre qui a tendance à s'encrasser rapidement, Cartographie trop simpliste
L'aspirateur Neato D10 cumule les bons points, dont celui — non négligeable — de naviguer plutôt méthodiquement et de se repérer dans l'espace, ce qui n'était clairement pas le cas de son prédécesseur, le D9. De fait, les performances d'aspiration se mont...