Abstract: 10월 롯데월드 해피 할로윈 퍼레이드를 보고 왔습니다. 할로윈 분장을 한 사람들과 신나게 놀기 위해 놀이동산을 찾은 사람들의 웃음소리로 즐거웠는데요. 저도 늘씬한 미녀들인 전문적인 공연을 보니 신났습니다! 그리고 즐거운 에너지가 퍼져 가는 롯데월드 할로윈 축제을 니콘 D7500 으로 담아 보았습니다.니콘의 중급기인 D7500 은 가벼운 바디감으로 휴대성도 좋고 사진 촬영시 ISO 100 ~ 51200 의 상용감도를 가지고 있어 어두운 실내에서도 밝은 사...
4K video recording, SnapBridge mobile image transfers, excellent image quality, weathersealed build, responsive autofocusing
4K video gets cropped, video AF lags competition, PRICE: $950
In the universe of comparable DSLRs, the D7500 offers 4K recording, which Canon's 80D inexplicably doesn't, but it lacks the 80D's flip-out LCD or the smooth autofocusing in video. The Pentax KP also lacks 4K, but offers comparable low light performance w...
Новинка Nikon D7500, выход которой приурочен к 100-летнему юбилею производителя, — более чем достойная камера. Она удачно скомпонована, комфортна в работе, позволяет сразу сосредоточиться на самой съемке, а не на ознакомлении со своей спецификой. Сравнени...
This capable DSLR offers great image quality, superb handling and more useable higher ISOs than most of its competitors. The 51-point AF has also been improved since previous incarnations, returning a snappy and accurate performance in every situation I t...
In the spirit of full disclosure I have to say that I am highly biased in favor of DSLRs over mirrorless cameras, save one or two exceptions. One of the main reasons is that I can actually see what is in the image, and focus and compose accordingly, with...
Great Picture Quality, Rugged Build, Snappy controls, Very fast and Accurate autofocus in well-lit conditions, Long lasting battery life, Excellent touch response
Slightly bulky, No NFC connectivity, Only Single SD card slot
The latest addition to Nikon's DSLR arsenal is one of the biggest revamps we've seen on the D7000 series cameras. The Nikon D7500 is a great DSLR that performs amazingly under both low-light and bright light conditions. The major drop of autofocus points...
Abstract: 처음 DSLR카메라를 손에 쥐어 본 것이 기억나는데요. 회사 동호회와 인터넷 카페를 들어 열심히 작례 사진을 찍으러 출사를 다닌 기억이 납니다. 다 여자친구를 꼬시기(?) 위해서 DSLR 입문카메라를 들었지만, 지금은 DSLR을 그렇게라도 배운 것이 큰 도움이 되었습니다.지금은 가족사진과, 인생샷을 찍기 위해서 더욱 노력하고 있는데요. 그러기 위해서 니콘 D7500 으로 습작을 하여야 할듯합니다. 사용하다 보니, 니콘 D7500 의 재미있는 기능이 있습...
Image and video quality similar to that of the D500, SnapBridge is useful, Good feature set, 4K video support, Decent battery life
No second SD card slot, Slow autofocus in live view, A bit bulky,
The Nikon D7500 is a very versatile camera, just like its bigger sibling, and offers nearly the same levels of functionality and performance at a lower price. It's also a good upgrade from its predecessor, the D7200. The D500 does have its advantages such...